the thread about nothing...

she aint getting no chili fritos neither


It's all about deez anyway.
As a general rule, unless it's life or death, chump change or you know the person is good for it, treat friends and money like church and state...keep them separate.

You didn't loan him, but he has your money and if he's ducking you, I don't see any reason to be tactful or worried about jeopardizing the friendship. He's already done that. On the other hand, you could just leave it be and cut him out.
anything sabritas makes is fuego... anyone remember when they had those mexican pogz in the chips called tazos? with the looney tunes characters?
I owe one of my mans money, a substantial amount.

He knows my situation and this time and he's understanding of it.

But I plan on breaking him off some extra for being patient

*kanye shrug*
As a general rule, unless it's life or death, chump change or you know the person is good for it, treat friends and money like church and state...keep them separate.
You didn't loan him, but he has your money and if he's ducking you, I don't see any reason to be tactful or worried about jeopardizing the friendship. He's already done that. On the other hand, you could just leave it be and cut him out.
I feel like the latter.  My pockets aren't hurting.  It's the principle tho.  Folk made his decision when he started duckin....
Can't register for classes since I'm up for academic dismissal. Got an appt. with a counselor tomorrow to see if I can at least take a class this upcoming spring. Damn, I've messed up real bad this time :smh:
anyone know what you wear in a UPS interview

You can show up butt naked and they will hire you......You would have to intentionally try to not land the position and even then they would still make an offer.

You will be offered a "supervisor" position if you stay there longer than two weeks and are an articulate human being.

Good luck.
Can't register for classes since I'm up for academic dismissal. Got an appt. with a counselor tomorrow to see if I can at least take a class this upcoming spring. Damn, I've messed up real bad this time :smh:

try writing a letter to the dean or the department head for your major
this worked for someone i knew
Saw Ben savage is going to play Corey matthews in the boy meets world sequel. Not sure how I feel about them trying to make a new one
First wrestling practice of the year went down today, I survived but :smh:
I wrestled the captain and lost, then I wrestled one of the heavyweights to a stalemate.
I halfway expected to lose to the captain, but I tied with a scrub, therefore I am a scrub.
I worked so hard for this?! I'm not suicidal, but I feel like dying, I'm garbage.

I know this feel all too well after BJJ sometimes..especially the bolded..


have a math test tomorrow, not going :pimp: :pimp:

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