the thread about nothing...


what type of non kosher **** is this :x

theres a seat next to you and you choose to lend a shoulder? /simp
How would you guys deal with friends  owing you money, and not coming through?

it erks me most of the time. when i ask for money, which is not common. i try to hit them back asap. when it's me lending money, they forget most of the time and i hate asking for it back. :smh:
anyone know what you wear in a UPS interview

i'd wear the dressed up look still, nothing wrong with wanting to look good/professional 

speaking of interviews, i just landed one on wednesday
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it erks me most of the time. when i ask for money, which is not common. i try to hit them back asap. when it's me lending money, they forget most of the time and i hate asking for it back.
Yeah, I hate to sound sentimental, but I guess 10 years of friendship ain't the same nowadays man.  It's like dude is straight ignore calls/ messages.  I don't even wanna be bothered with it anymore.  Makes me question why do I have folks like this in my circle.
how much does he owe you? you need better friends to loan money to
Not alot 100+.... That's the thing, it wasn't a loan.  My money had to go through some peoples hands, and it ended up in his hands.  Ever since I found out he had it, haven't heard from him.
First wrestling practice of the year went down today, I survived but :smh:
I wrestled the captain and lost, then I wrestled one of the heavyweights to a stalemate.
I halfway expected to lose to the captain, but I tied with a scrub, therefore I am a scrub.
I worked so hard for this?! I'm not suicidal, but I feel like dying, I'm garbage.
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