the thread about nothing...

Mom almost killed herself and all her old drunk friends rn 😮🤦🏾‍♂️. Im out at the park with the dogs get a call she ask me to come over to bring them a lighter 🤣. Im like what im not coming all the way there to bring a lighter. She tells me they are trying to grill kabobs and her grill won't light she has the charcoal in there with the fluid and shes pushed the button and she hears clicks but it wont light 😮😮.

Mom wtf thats the gas grill get away from it ill be over in 20. Get here good thing the propane was empty and she didnt even know to try and turn it on 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️. Im bout to pull out the small grill from the garage and cook and eat all this food 🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♂️. Probably gonna have to get rid of the gas grill she put half a bottle of fluid in this *** im not ever gona be the one that trys to light it again 🤣
B Bronson
“I am greatly honored by your visit, Quadrinaros. Make yourself comfortable.”

Funny how some individuals claim to have a strong stance for a specific belief, but will have no problem when they see said “belief” being violated.
TL:DR???? - My ex really isn't the good woman i thought she was. She has a man but is having a conversation with me like she is single. Basically, you cant trust these WHOA`s


Its so hard to trust people these days. Men and women.........But I`m talking about My ex here.

I broke it off with her like 8 years ago because i just didnt see it working out. We were cool, even messed around a few times but that eventually stopped when she had a man and had a kid with him. We haven't physically seen each other in maybe 5-6 years, but every now and then we will randomly talk.

January of last year she hit me up asking if she could see me, Even though she knew i had a girlfriend. I declined and she understood.....That was that.

I always took her to be a great person.....Genuine and loyal to the end. Now, either she`s always been trash and i didn't know it or something changed.....Cause she aint SH****!!!!!

As of today, I have been single for a couple weeks and I was curious about what she wanted to talk about. I hit her up on facebook messenger, (Saturday night) but her page got hacked so its not there anymore. I find her new page and there's a guy in the picture.

I sent the message , then changed my mind about it and deleted them.

(what's funny is she literally just just sent me a picture while i was typing this. I`ll give details in a sec)

She saw that I deleted the messages and wanted to know what i asked..........So I just said that i was curious about what she wanted to talk about, but changed my mind because she has a man and i didnt care to know if that was the case.

She told me anyway and we had a light conversation about it and some other things.

We caught up via text and i wanted to see if she was the woman i thought she was when we were together.

Screenshots below.

I couldn't believe she actually sent the video over. (it`s of her squirting) The conversation itself was already something i didn't think a woman in a relationship should be having, but she made it worse. THEN while i was typing THIS out, she decided to show me her after breast reduction picture. o_O I literally wouldn't think she would be doing all this when she has a guy.

Cant trust em............smh.

A6CE3E96-CF98-4EEA-A57C-847829D8B452.jpeg F047D84D-FFC9-4D75-A22F-70F274E2EF13.jpeg A7650D58-5708-42BF-A68E-AD750ACAFC62.jpeg DF4D618D-AEC0-40AC-9BD8-A9F491B20986.jpeg
She's an ex. It doesn't even matter unless y'all growing merged DNA.
It does, but it doesn't. Had it not gone down like this, I might`ve given her another chance at some point.

Plus, while I`m single, my peen needs a woman's care from time to time yaddig. I`ll pass now and whenever she is single again........She aint SH, lol
It does, but it doesn't. Had it not gone down like this, I might`ve given her another chance at some point.

Plus, while I`m single, my peen needs a woman's care from time to time yaddig. I`ll pass now and whenever she is single again........She aint SH, lol
I figured as an ex you knew she wasn't the one already. I get it now tho...
I figured as an ex you knew she wasn't the one already. I get it now tho...
Nah. It wasnt a bad thing...........She just didn't have kids but I did and had a vasectomy. She had a daughter since then, so now that she has the one thing i couldn't give her, things could have been different.

But nope.
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