the thread about nothing...

chill w/ the music, b. you gonna get us knocked.
Y?????cursing???? does linking absolve my sins?

each subject has its respective forum. sports go in the sports forum, jordan info goes in jordan forum and music goes in the music forum. this thread in particular is being monitored for violations more than others due to past violations. we are trying to keep infractions down to prevent the thread being locked. i post in the music thread about nothing all the time.
Trying to see if I can get the Pell Grant for my last two semesters of college. It burns me up that I can't get the money for an education but mf'ers can get it and pocket the rest for G knows what. Our government.

Birthday in a few days. I'm terrified of getting older. Like I don't feel I've acquired that knowledge I want/need especially to pass off to kids when they come. :x

There's a quote about success that I'm trying to find. It goes something like: You have to do blah blah in order to live like blah blah. What other's won't do in order to live how others can't. Google came up with "Do for a year what others won't then live for a lifetime as others can't."

It's ambitious, but I plan on paying off my student loans in a year. If i can just find out how to pay em with a cc to reap the benefits. I'd be good. :smoking

I've done BF once (07) and only bought a pair of earrings. lol I guess it feels good not have a need that needs to be filled. Materialism is a b.
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I mean really...? How is this not obvious to common sense?

:rofl: :rofl:...:smh:

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My girl just said shes havin 7 or 8 girls come over to pregame before we hit the clubs/bars tonite..she said can i invite some of my friends over so im not the only dude...pfffffffft Im bout to hit her with the all my friends r busy so i walk in the club as the only dude with all these chicks
 Dependin on what kind of mood im in I might even post pics of em before we leave..
did this last weekend, felt weird man...felt like an insecure pimp
. Just go with three of your homies. 
Figured id still come thru wit the pics..I thought i was gonna be the only dude but there ended up bein 1 more dude there so it wasnt so bad
..Of course they wanted me as their Official photographer tho
..theres more pics of me besides the last 1 but i figured yall would wanna see them more lol...the lineup from Wed nite:
i'm sorry, but seeing that video about black friday validates my opinion of america being full of stupid *** mother *******.

god forbid we go through a war and have a rations supply of goods and need to form lines for our daily dose...


see: lines for gas in ny/nj after Sandy

2 weeks ago went to my school to set an appt with a counselor to help me with classes but they said i had to get there early like at 6 am,

I arrive at 6:30 and see some people standing around and one guy says people are signing a list so I go sign and i'm number 17 on the

list :smokin the offices don't open till 8 so I just sit and mess with my phone, at about 7:30 a good 30 people just show up 7:45 they

open the doors and people rush in :stoneface: and make a line while other people are saying there's a list. Luckily I was able to stay in the front of

the line. A lady comes out and says there's only 24 spots available to see a counselor today, more people start pushing and squeezing,

2 girls in front of me start yelling and one jabs her shoulder into the other and gives her the shaq hip bump and gets in front of her. All in

the back I can hear people yelling and pushing, cops had to be called to settle people down.

That's insane man :smh:. The problem with our society is that we want things NOW and can't wait, and we always think we are in the right. It's scary. I just wish everyone had patience and understanding in this world. We'd go a lot farther.
Don't feel like doing ish at work today. Just browsing NT, seeing that it's not that active and it's cool. I know people are either sleeping, on line for whatever, or just chillin with their family. Eh, random thoughts right now...
Wisdom tooth starting to grow in. It's not painful. Just annoying. Still won't hold me back from devouring these leftovers and playing COD all day 
^ I would cool it with the sneaker talk. We have an entire forum for that kind of stuff.

With TAN being on such thin ice we dont want to give the mods any more reasons to lock this up. :D
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