the thread about nothing...

Some coworker decided to block me on all platforms and even resigned, all because I went over to his ex's place for some drinks and spent the night there a day or 2 after they broke up amicably.
While we were both very drunk, the ex (also a coworker) posted a few clips in our casual work groupchat of us fooling around at 5AM. Then the next day we find out that guy blocked both of us after he saw the group chat and then informed management that he was quitting. :smh::lol:

Dude needs to get a grip
Big Louie died of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, I have Hodgkins. Crazy man. Stuff like that hits me harder nowadays. NHL is the “worse” of the two types. Lower survival rate due to its unpredictability as it can spread more places. HL is alot more linear and predictable and curable.
Some coworker decided to block me on all platforms and even resigned, all because I went over to his ex's place for some drinks and spent the night there a day or 2 after they broke up amicably.
While we were both very drunk, the ex (also a coworker) posted a few clips in our casual work groupchat of us fooling around at 5AM. Then the next day we find out that guy blocked both of us after he saw the group chat and then informed management that he was quitting. :smh::lol:

Dude needs to get a grip

Not mad at you but.....why are you dipping your pen in the company ink? No good can come of it :lol:
Not mad at you but.....why are you dipping your pen in the company ink? No good can come of it :lol:
Virtually all my coworkers are women and I get along very well with just about everyone.
Probably not the greatest idea but the company owner is one of my closest friends' girlfriend, she's the one who hired me in the first place. She said it's all good.
Why would dude want to be around y'all 😂🤷🏾‍♂️. Hopefully he had a back up plan for the $$ but I can't eem blame him for wanting nothing to do with y'all. Especially posting ish in the work group chat...y'all messy 😂
I guess but he could've at least had a word with me first. They had been sort of separated for a couple weeks and eventually mutually decided to definitively break up but stay friends. Then all of a sudden he can't handle it when she invites me over.
He don't owe you guys an explanation. Same way you salty he broke up with you, I'm sure he was salty she broke up with him. It's one thing to be broken up and stay cordial because you work's another thing to be broken up, work together AND have to be around the new dude, to top it off y'all getting sloppy in his texts at 5 in the morning. NOBODY wants to be around all that.
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