the thread about nothing...


They made sure you know those are Chelsea boots :lol:

I speak from experience, when I was a kid people thought I couldn't ball, but little did they know that I could actually ball, and mofos were mad as hell once I was done with them. It always felt good destroying these dudes egos.
Same here. I guess I wasn’t wearing the correct gear or had the look. Me and my boys used to run dudes off the court and in between plays you could see the look of confusion and disgust when they sat on the sideline :rofl:
This may be the weird rant ever, but I’m tried of people telling me I look like Im in my early 20s. Im going to be the big 4-0 this year, theres no way I look like I’m 23. I know black don’t crack, but damn. I’m starting to feel like it’s some sort of backhanded compliment or people are having a hard time accepting their own age.
This may be the weird rant ever, but I’m tried of people telling me I look like Im in my early 20s. Im going to be the big 4-0 this year, theres no way I look like I’m 23. I know black don’t crack, but damn. I’m starting to feel like it’s some sort of backhanded compliment or people are having a hard time accepting their own age.
Personally I think people usually have a preconceived notion of what a 40, 50, etc year old should look like and the fact that you don't perpetuate that notion but rather oppose it, to the point that people are shocked and praising how good you look despite your age, I think it's a compliment. I mean sure you could look at it like, "Oh so if I actually looked the way they think a 40 year old should, then they wouldn't compliment me?" Then I suppose I could see how it feels underhanded. I dunno. I just wanted to suggest another way of looking at it, but given I'm only 21 my experience with this issue is nonexistent so take my words with a grain of salt I guess.
This may be the weird rant ever, but I’m tried of people telling me I look like Im in my early 20s. Im going to be the big 4-0 this year, theres no way I look like I’m 23. I know black don’t crack, but damn. I’m starting to feel like it’s some sort of backhanded compliment or people are having a hard time accepting their own age.

Im 32 and people give me the 25-26 talk which im cool with cause one day its gonna looking like 26 to looking 47 overnight. :lol:
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