the thread about nothing...

D StaXX D StaXX have you had this honey fried chicken before?

Best chicken in Dallas. Halls/Hendersons/Rudys are all one in the same.
Grew up on it fr. In high school, it was literally a 2 minute walk from the field house to Rudys.
A 2 piece dark with extra fries and seasoning :pimp: :pimp: *Chefs kiss*
Best chicken in Dallas. Halls/Hendersons/Rudys are all one in the same.
Grew up on it fr. In high school, it was literally a 2 minute walk from the field house to Rudys.
A 2 piece dark with extra fries and seasoning :pimp: :pimp: *Chefs kiss*
while the sculpted 8-pak looks doable, the other parts could use some testosterone shots. she tryin too hard to be like Justin BIeber rather than be a Randy Savage.
Forgot her name and who she was, to each his own as we say, but yes I always thought she was looking like him.
If people are happy in their life, or if they could be happy with it, I'm cool. I don't want to interfere as long they don't annoy me or brutalize people.
Will really had to pull that EGO trippin thing in the end. I know Keanu was perfect for the Matrix but it's no thanks to you messing it up. this guy has too much success in his life that it's difficult for him to accept failure.
It's sad but each time I'm thinking of Will Smith I mainly think of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and maybe Miami. His career as a movie actor didn't impress me that much. I liked Pursuit of the Happiness but a lot of movies with him I didn't see and don't care about them, or I saw one time as a teenager, and that don't need a rewatch...

Not false, but to complain could also be something to let go of the pressure instead of storing anger and some day blow in some fit of rage
Plus the fact there is always worst is an argument I hate because it is a lot used by people to tell you you have to be satisfied with what they give you ( I mean at work ), but sometimes you got to be greedy, because be able to appreciate what you have is a good thing, but you sometimes got to push it or life makes no sense, without aims

Forgot her name and who she was, to each his own as we say, but yes I always thought she was looking like him.
If people are happy in their life, or if they could be happy with it, I'm cool. I don't want to interfere as long they don't annoy me or brutalize people.
I understand, unlike this piece of trash.

It's sad but each time I'm thinking of Will Smith I mainly think of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and maybe Miami. His career as a movie actor didn't impress me that much. I liked Pursuit of the Happiness but a lot of movies with him I didn't see and don't care about them, or I saw one time as a teenager, and that don't need a rewatch...
He was a good actor and doing just fine til the whole Oscar "diversity" issue made them really infamous now. man, even Leonardo didn't get his decades later despite being a better actor, not including other actors that haven't won it yet. problem with the Smiths' is their sense of entitlement. they think that they should be treated like in the same caliber as "Mah Man" Denzel.
I understand, unlike this piece of trash.

I remember this first video, it's a shame, people want other to accept them but don't accept the idea it's not casual at all to see transgenders which mean people could get confused and not call them as they wanted to be called. Plus it's very easy to act like this while the other one is working, so he could not go into rage mode without consequences. And at the end of the day, who won ? She just proved she was a psycho ##### :lol: so yes, we're calling you Madame, but don't think it means we respect you as a person, we just respect your sex change and that's barely all, because man or woman, you seemed to be a piece of #### :rofl: Another thing to finish with this video : it's quite disturbing to argue you're a woman when physically you seemed you could be a menace to the other one and punch him like a man, think about it Madame.
Last time I had it was with my ex ex girlfriend, which means before 2013, memories are so good I didn't try it again since :lol:


At the time McFlurry was my thing too
Kit Kat Ball Caramel (random pic from Google)

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