the thread about nothing...

2 options :
1) She is into you :smokin
2) She did it to piss you off :smh:
And NO, the wrong number reason doesn't work. She did it on purpose for sure.

basically, she did it to see a reaction.

i hope you didnt respond player.
 @ meth calling dudes insecure homophobes.
Man I know TAN and ninja are like oil and water but this was THEE quote in that thread
Originally Posted by ninjahood  

yea, once you go deeper in that rabbit hole of fashion, you bound to run into a few toucan sams fruit loopin it up.

Son usually swings & misses on the comparison/analogy tip but that **** was gold.
this thread has been kind of weird to read for the last few pages... more weird than usual.

been feeling a bit more happy about the future. still worried about finals in a few weeks. Gonna join more clubs and try to forget about people who've wronged me.

also, I cannot code in MATLAB to save my life.... so frustrating...
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UGH no American Dad tonight. Oh there is a hour special of Family Guy where Brian and Stewie go back in time!? Well  I have never seen that before. It sounds so interesting. 
Ive been consuming a lot of Hot Sauce the past week .. And iced tea.

I need to cut back on both and start drinking more water and just going without the hot sauce or cutting back significantly with it.

Cause one thing about me is hat i love hot sauce and drench my food with it. Been burping a lot the past week and its kinda scary me because maybe its heart burn, even though there is no discomfort in my chest but still.. I rather be safe than sorry.

watch out w/ that hot sauce, it has a gang of sodium in it. and the tea pralli has a bunch of caffeine, both of those can make you feel crappy when you have too much.
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i guess it was a fair one, having a micro-penis is considered a handicap in some states. these clowns represent dallas?
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