the thread about nothing...

Mine does actually but he's been my family's general physician/'family doctor' for about 2 decades now.
When I need a refill for any of my active prescriptions (including opioids) and don't necessarily need anything else I just call him to ready a prescription. Then I go to his office, wait in the hallway until he lets the next patient in and he quickly hands me the script. Normally I don't need to pay a visitation fee either when doing so.

A general physician visitation is €24 for me, though the mandatory public health insurance pays me back €23 of that fee. Visitation fees for specialists at a hospital are usually at least double though I don't know off the top of my head how much of that amount is covered by standard insurance. You can always supplement with private insurance to get 100% coverage on practically everything.

We have a system where you get what we call a repeat prescription - mostly for things like blood pressure meds and normal stuff that people take permanently. You just drop off a slip saying you need more and then in a few days you can collect a new prescription. Obviously there is a time where it runs out and they want to see you to check you over but that is normally every year or two depending on what the condition is. That could include opiates if you were on them for long term pain.
I got a ******* poison ivy exposure from my dogs fur. I called the American Association of Poison Control and they told me to just apply Cortisone and clean it. But, my instincts are telling me that I should visit the hospital. Has anyone ever had this situation before and if you did, what did you do?
I got a ****ing poison ivy exposure from my dogs fur. I called the American Association of Poison Control and they told me to just apply Cortisone and clean it. But, my instincts are telling me that I should visit the hospital. Has anyone ever had this situation before and if you did, what did you do?

Go to CVS and get some of that stuff they have that dries it out then heals it.

Poison Ivy shouldn't require a hospital visit unless you're having a severe reaction, difficulty breathing and s**t. Call your doctor's office if anything to get their advice over the phone.
Never had poison ivy, but if you feel you need go to emergency room and seek in person professional help do it. It’s your life.

Chamomile lotion or a otc topical lotion should help you in the mean time.
Never had poison ivy, but if you feel you need go to emergency room and seek in person professional help do it. It’s your life.
You aren't wrong...but people sometimes think they should go to the hospital for every little thing not realizing what exactly they are costing themselves...

Like dude said above, short of difficulty breathing, light headedness or extreme pain I don't think poison ivy exposure requires an ER visit.
Thanks for the advice you guys. My breathing is okay and everything so I'm going to just buy the topical lotion and see if the stinging goes down. It just feels like a sunburn, but deeper in your skin. Dude said I could have spread it to my face if I touched the rash(plant oil) than touched my eye or something. Thank god I'm not the type to mess with scars and was told to leave it alone/alcohol it.
You aren't wrong...but people sometimes think they should go to the hospital for every little thing not realizing what exactly they are costing themselves...

Like dude said above, short of difficulty breathing, light headedness or extreme pain I don't think poison ivy exposure requires an ER visit.
Even though my visit would only requires a co-pay, my cheap mindset was trying to avoid going to Kaiser.:lol: Every time I go there, the reason is always alot more minor than what I envision. But, it's always good to consider whether or not a situation calls for a hospital visit before things get worse. There's nothing wrong with playing it safe, especially for those who exercise caution, as it minimizes mistakes.
I got a ****ing poison ivy exposure from my dogs fur. I called the American Association of Poison Control and they told me to just apply Cortisone and clean it. But, my instincts are telling me that I should visit the hospital. Has anyone ever had this situation before and if you did, what did you do?

This is the stuff I've used. Dries it out and stops the itching.


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