the thread about nothing...

So fellow NTers why are you home this fine saturday night?

Me? I'm sick.
Random thoughts:
- I hate when people say that overweight people are fat because "they're eating good." Nah son, that person's just fat and doesn't take care of themselves
- I like Beyoncé as much as the next guy but I don't understand the pseudo-religious fanaticism with which people follow her. The bey-hive pretty much worship that woman. Her music is good and she's an innovator for sure but they need to chill. I don't think I like breathing as much as they like Beyoncé. Don't even get me started about criticizing her or her music in any way...they'll legit fight you if you say anything negative about her. It's just bizarre to me.
- I hate how people "XYZ happened differently in the book/manga/source material" when talking about movies or TV shows. It's a different medium and of course things are going to play out differently. There's no need to mention it EVERY SINGLE TIME. Not to mention I think people think they're cool or smart because they read the source material. HINT: no one cares.
I will say McDonald's was super clutch this summer when I was really hungry and starved because of siting through a play for 8hrs. I needed food in my belly asap cuz I knew I was going to be clubbing all night. We rushed to McDonald's, ate a burger and fries to go and it saved me from dying from alcohol that night :pimp:
i dunno what you posted but i can assure you its not even close to being the reason for my dislike of dude
had a 2 day orientation event for grad school

the possibilities are endless :wow:

I need to see what's up for internships. I'd like to do 1 abroad for the experience (thinking Japan) and one at home for the networking.
had a 2 day orientation event for grad school

the possibilities are endless :wow:

I need to see what's up for internships. I'd like to do 1 abroad for the experience (thinking Japan) and one at home for the networking.

Don't do Japan lol - you'll end up working too much. Find a more relaxed country to go to and go to Japan for vaca. My favorite country to visit, my least favorite to work in.
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