the thread about nothing...

Talking culture or religion with folks over 40 is cringeworthy sometimes. Folks are stuck in their ways.

Lump politics and race into that as well.

I don't understand why people ever want to stop growing. Your beliefs, values, and tastes can evolve past age 30.

I always have a special place in my heart for stuff I grew up with but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the times of today.
You can disagree and stick with your long standing belief but just do it respectfully. My issue is when people put your beliefs down or assume they are better then you just because of it.

When asked i tell people im athiest and when i get the "i'll pray for you" type responses....
slept in and missed the last bus to go to my basketball tryout. I gave up because i know I'm not good enough for the ncaa. Used that time instead to go to an empty gym and work on my game and actually have fun and get better. Human nature makes me feel a bit regretful but realistically I wasn't gonna make it even if I was the only one that showed up

you gotta try man. youll never know unless u try. even if you dont make it, thatll push you to practice more... you can prolly learn a few things while youre there. :nerd:
People fail to be open minded and are just flat out ignorant these days. Pretty sad but what can you do?
I grew up in a Christian family but we are basically really casual Christians. Only been going to church for Easter and Christmas. And for a couple years we didn't even do that.

It's weird. I remember as a kid growing up we did weekly rosaries, did grace at the dinner table every day and went to church every Sunday.

Then somewhere along the line, that just stopped lol

Anyway, most of my extended family on both sides were raised Christians but aren't hardcore about it. What I dislike is that the more devout the Christian, the stronger the 'I'm better than you' mentality gets.

I'm not down for that. I just think human beings are imperfect and none of us are really in a position to judge most ppl
You can disagree and stick with your long standing belief but just do it respectfully. My issue is when people put your beliefs down or assume they are better then you just because of it.

When asked i tell people im athiest and when i get the "i'll pray for you" type responses....

Yeah I've had "discussions" where I was told I don't know about the world and I haven't done anything etc etc despite my insight and reasoning being far superior to their narrow minded belief.

All because I'm 23 and they're 40 something. Somehow that makes them more qualified and my opinions null and void.
slept in and missed the last bus to go to my basketball tryout. I gave up because i know I'm not good enough for the ncaa. Used that time instead to go to an empty gym and work on my game and actually have fun and get better. Human nature makes me feel a bit regretful but realistically I wasn't gonna make it even if I was the only one that showed up

Basketball coach checking in: The worst thing a player can do is cut himself from the team. If you feel your skillset was not enough to earn a roster spot, what about your attitude and effort? I for myself look beyond X's and O's when making my final roster. The most valuable thing that I find for players and coaches is not the cut itself, but the discussion that we have together on steps towards putting athletes like you in position to make a roster spot. You may not see it now, but basketball is simply a vehicle used to teach life lessons. PLEASE schedule a meeting with one of the coaches and sit down with them to explain your situation. There is still valuable wisdom that you can take away from this process.

Hit my PM's if you need anything! Naruto Naruto
Sorry Pete, but we don't have time for summer anymore. It's football season. All I wanna see in Jersey is 65 and breezy.
Disgraced pastor says Hurricane Harvey was "judgement" from God while selling his Tasty Pantry bucket for $175
Religión and politics are convos I usually try to avoid.
There's just no end to them

My girls family is decently religious and when we first started dating there was a lot of religious discussion. I am not going to soap box anything but when every family member in some capacity not going to lie and as soon as i say "well im actually athiest it's not really a belief in and of itself...its just lack of belief"

*flamesuit on*....then go find a bee keeper suit to go over it...then a flame suit to put on the bee keeper suit thats on a flamesuit
you gotta try man. youll never know unless u try. even if you dont make it, thatll push you to practice more... you can prolly learn a few things while youre there. :nerd:

i'm a 5'9 pirated version of isaiah briscoe, I cannot hit 3s in an empty gym, it's hopeless.

I just couldn't deal with taking my last chance at this and failing. Yes you can call me a wuss but for the past 8 years I gave it an honest effort n didn't stop believing
Lump politics and race into that as well.

I don't understand why people ever want to stop growing. Your beliefs, values, and tastes can evolve past age 30.

I always have a special place in my heart for stuff I grew up with but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the times of today.

I never discuss politics. Also try not to discuss race either.


Id rather eat balut then discuss those 3
Speaking of religion

My sisters in laws husband made them get married at their Christian church and everything

Then he randomly joins the black Israelites

Man I can't stand that guy :lol:
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