the thread about nothing...

There's a Rare Jr on the way.
that was fast :lol:
Expect the unexpected I guess you could say?

There's a Rare Jr on the way.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't you just recently get with your girl?

Either way, congrats!
Thanks man, but yeah. Far from planned but even with measures taken I guess things happen for a reason.

Thanks to everyone though, appreciate it!
sb sb is a 40 year old perv/peeping tom.


There's a Rare Jr on the way.

Is it bad to eat healthy + workout Monday-Friday and pig out on the weekends?

Sometimes I will eat out Sat and Sunday :lol:
Sup fellas so i didnt wanna make a thread just about this but thought i would ask around here... i recently got into some trouble with the boys this past weekend and was looking for some advice from someone more knowledgable about this stuff

So me and my boy were on our way home from blowin down with some friends, and we got pulled over. Unfortunately i had a couple grams on me and am usually particularly cautious about this stuff. I hate driving around late at night (very superstitious, especially where i live and due to my skin color) and never carry enough on me to get me in some trouble.. but of course this one time i was pretty careless some ish went down. Anyways due to us just finishing up piffin, we were wreakin of the stuff so i got searched. The best i could do was stuff the stash in my crotch when they pulled us over but it was in a small plastic container which the officer was able to eventually discover.

Now keep in mind when this was taking place i was pretty skeed and wasnt thinking straight. When the officer initally asked if i had anything illegal on me i said no hoping by some miracle i wouldnt get searched or whatever lol. Im kinda kickin myself for it now as lying about it led to me getting another charge on top of possession.

So my question is this being my first ever arrest/charge is this something i should be concerned about? My court date is next week and have been asking around my circle for advice. I keep hearing different things some say ill just get a slap on the wrist w/ probation and a fine while some have spooked me out saying this could stay on my record if found guilty and it would be something i would need to adress when applying to state/gov jobs etc.

Btw just in case these details were needed - im 23, a former college student and currently employed
New Jersey

I don't know about now but a while ago I heard Jersey kind of not cool with **** like that but this was maybe a decade ago. With all the legalization going on maybe judges not iron fist about small infractions like this. I doubt you'll get much more than a slap but if you that worried talk to a lawyer.
Sup fellas so i didnt wanna make a thread just about this but thought i would ask around here... i recently got into some trouble with the boys this past weekend and was looking for some advice from someone more knowledgable about this stuff

So me and my boy were on our way home from blowin down with some friends, and we got pulled over. Unfortunately i had a couple grams on me and am usually particularly cautious about this stuff. I hate driving around late at night (very superstitious, especially where i live and due to my skin color) and never carry enough on me to get me in some trouble.. but of course this one time i was pretty careless some ish went down. Anyways due to us just finishing up piffin, we were wreakin of the stuff so i got searched. The best i could do was stuff the stash in my crotch when they pulled us over but it was in a small plastic container which the officer was able to eventually discover.

Now keep in mind when this was taking place i was pretty skeed and wasnt thinking straight. When the officer initally asked if i had anything illegal on me i said no hoping by some miracle i wouldnt get searched or whatever lol. Im kinda kickin myself for it now as lying about it led to me getting another charge on top of possession.

So my question is this being my first ever arrest/charge is this something i should be concerned about? My court date is next week and have been asking around my circle for advice. I keep hearing different things some say ill just get a slap on the wrist w/ probation and a fine while some have spooked me out saying this could stay on my record if found guilty and it would be something i would need to adress when applying to state/gov jobs etc.

Btw just in case these details were needed - im 23, a former college student and currently employed

Tell chapo i said que onda jefe.
Sup fellas so i didnt wanna make a thread just about this but thought i would ask around here... i recently got into some trouble with the boys this past weekend and was looking for some advice from someone more knowledgable about this stuff

So me and my boy were on our way home from blowin down with some friends, and we got pulled over. Unfortunately i had a couple grams on me and am usually particularly cautious about this stuff. I hate driving around late at night (very superstitious, especially where i live and due to my skin color) and never carry enough on me to get me in some trouble.. but of course this one time i was pretty careless some ish went down. Anyways due to us just finishing up piffin, we were wreakin of the stuff so i got searched. The best i could do was stuff the stash in my crotch when they pulled us over but it was in a small plastic container which the officer was able to eventually discover.

Now keep in mind when this was taking place i was pretty skeed and wasnt thinking straight. When the officer initally asked if i had anything illegal on me i said no hoping by some miracle i wouldnt get searched or whatever lol. Im kinda kickin myself for it now as lying about it led to me getting another charge on top of possession.

So my question is this being my first ever arrest/charge is this something i should be concerned about? My court date is next week and have been asking around my circle for advice. I keep hearing different things some say ill just get a slap on the wrist w/ probation and a fine while some have spooked me out saying this could stay on my record if found guilty and it would be something i would need to adress when applying to state/gov jobs etc.

Btw just in case these details were needed - im 23, a former college student and currently employed
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