the thread about nothing...

Narcos :pimp:

That boy was crazy af :lol:

Binge watching right now.. :nthat:
Dude my AP Stat teacher will legit assign homework knowing she hasn't taught us the material yet.

We'll come into school the next day and she'll say, "I know the homework was impossible to do considering I haven't taught it... But I'm still going to check it anyway." :x :smh:  
Well how the hell does she do you guys' grades then :lol:

Waddup tan. Today was pretty good with the exception of that there were at least 7 fights today at school :smh: started with somebody pulling the fire alarm then it continued all throughout the rest of the day. Both guys and girls going away in police cars with hand cuffs, people crying in the nurse, etc..

I don't have another class so my mom always takes her lunch break after my 3rd block and drops me at home. They made her sit in the auditorium for an hour with a bunch of other pissed off parents cause the school wasn't releasing us from class :stoneface: I didn't even get to sleep before work :smh: :lol:
so that was an hour to talk to mami about your shameful fap behavior that has left your fellow comrades disappointed and in low moral.

papi leaving ol pale skin girl face whiter than casper with da surprise shots :smokin
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Morning Tan,

My girl asked me last night if i was going to be ready to be married by next fall. Like how is that a thing. If i knew i was going to be ready to be married by then I would probably just be married now. Why would you want to pressure some one into marrying you. And why is waiting a big deal when marriage is forever. Like aside from bringing life into this world its the biggest decision a human can make wouldn't you want to make sure that the person you are stuck with FOREVER is actually right for you? #femalelogic
Run. Like, yesterday.
Hook came on last night and I started watching it right as Peter started to remember who he was. That part unexpectedly hit me in the feels yall, along with the rest of the movie. I was like, "He remembers who he was, flying around, visiting Wendy, chasing his shadow...and he left his squad over a woman....
" An encore came on afterward and when the Lost Boy pockets finally recognized him...brb
First time back in the gym in months earlier this week.

The soreness 
 Can't even fully stretch my arms 

Wasn't really that bad with my breathing capacity. For some reason talking is much more exhausting than lifting weights.

Gonna try continuing to go once a week for now, maybe twice if I can handle it.

My legs feel like they're being blowtorched for real now but it's a little more bearable now with my increased painkiller dosage
Morning Tan,

My girl asked me last night if i was going to be ready to be married by next fall. Like how is that a thing. If i knew i was going to be ready to be married by then I would probably just be married now. Why would you want to pressure some one into marrying you. And why is waiting a big deal when marriage is forever. Like aside from bringing life into this world its the biggest decision a human can make wouldn't you want to make sure that the person you are stuck with FOREVER is actually right for you? #femalelogic
Run. Like, yesterday.
Man :lol:
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