the thread about nothing...

So after catching my mom trying to go through my phone a couple of days ago, today my dad came in my room on some **** and started up a convo about me talking to a girl at 1 in the morning :lol: .. completely goes left field and hints at him going through my phone and laptop to see what I'm up to.

Feel untrusted as hell here. Snooping *** ************* :smh:  

You 15 breh?
17 man 
I'm 17 and my parents never do that bruh lol 
When I was 17 my parents never went through my cell phone, because cell phones didn't exist.

nah jk about it existing. But we didn't have texting back in 2003.
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man my younger cousin stays getting spazzed on his by mom..over the smallest **** lol....I think he's gonna either fade her one day or when he goes to college he's gonna cut off contact...the funny part dude is a good kid..he's only 15 but she yells at him like he's her husband...smh
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So after catching my mom trying to go through my phone a couple of days ago, today my dad came in my room on some **** and started up a convo about me talking to a girl at 1 in the morning :lol: .. completely goes left field and hints at him going through my phone and laptop to see what I'm up to.

Feel untrusted as hell here. Snooping *** ************* :smh:  
I keep my parents blocked on facebook so I have more privacy :lol:
I'd be hella mad if they snooped through my stuff
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So after catching my mom trying to go through my phone a couple of days ago, today my dad came in my room on some **** and started up a convo about me talking to a girl at 1 in the morning 
.. completely goes left field and hints at him going through my phone and laptop to see what I'm up to.

Feel untrusted as hell here. Snooping *** ************* 
Unless you purchased said phone and laptop, yeah, it might be subject to search. Don't like it? Buy it yourself and pay the bills. 
Someone got a hold of my debit info smh. **** is weird as hell they spending hundreds on and ChristianMingle. Hope this can be sorted out without too much pain.
So, I'm in the airport listening to D'angelo voodoo album (the one where he's on the cover with his shirt off) . My phone went to sleep and I pressed the button to use again, and the first thing that pops up is with him with his shirt off. It looks as if it's my screen saver. I have a galaxy note, so my screen is huge. Pretty sure the lady next to me thinks I am gay now. :lol: :stoneface:
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