the thread about nothing...

A mining company found a 1,111 carat diamond in Botswana

A mining company found a 1,111 carat diamond in Botswana

Diamonds are a scam

"After large diamond mines were discovered here in South Africa around 1870, the mines' major investors amalgamated their interests to form De Beers Consolidates Mines. They recognised that due to diamonds having little intrinsic value, they would need to create demand via (the illusion of) scarcity and pretend worth. So began one of the most successful marketing and public manipulation campaigns of the 20th century, originating from four words: "A diamond is forever"."

Contemplating spending 1 week in northern california in 2016.
San fransisco and Yosemite or something like that
when you've been using mobile all week and you go on the computer and see your reps been flourishing :nerd: :wow:
I wash my hands all the time but still get sick. Weak immune system. Doesnt help that my gf is sick lol
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