the thread about nothing...

My little brother and his friends all like their own posts. They're twelve though so its SRS business but I'm gonna check him one of these days.
Meh, they'll eventually grow out of it 
At times I wonder if I am bipolar. I'll be laughing having a good time by myself then start freaking out then be slightly upset with myself over stuff I couldn't have prevented.

Got a text from an unknown #, thought it was this girl but it was just a counselor. :frown:
i hate when my coworkers are making up false solution in front of our manager.

we are going to be short staff and you guys are talking about making 1 hour per day of calls each in the "dead time".

there won't be any dead times if we are 3 on a team that's supposed to be 5 :smh:

just to look good in front of the boss.

bunch of **** riders.
i hate when my coworkers are making up false solution in front of our manager.

we are going to be short staff and you guys are talking about making 1 hour per day of calls each in the "dead time".

there won't be any dead times if we are 3 on a team that's supposed to be 5 :smh:

just to look good in front of the boss.

bunch of **** riders.

kill em

kill em all

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