the thread about nothing...

first time actually snowboarding and skiing yesterday and man did it get the best of me, i am in work right now and my body is aching so bad.

I went to Shawnee Mountain yesterday and started off with the skis first on the easiest mountain to get the hang of things. i was getting bored of the easy slope so i decided to move on to the more difficult one, although i feel a few times i thought i did pretty good. ( had no gloves on so i messed up my knuckles on the damn snow/ice all cut up. 

Took a nice break in the lodge after and grabbed a Hot Chocolate it was much needed. 

Me and a homie decided we were gonna trade our skis in for a snowboard (bad idea). We take them to the begginer slope to start off like we did with the skis. I seriously thought snowboarding was going to be easier then skiing boy was i wrong (for me at least) i had so much trouble keeping my damn balance. Once i would pick up speed it would all be over real quick, I couldn't decide which way felt more comfortable regular or goofy style of riding. After continuously falling and before if got dark we decided to hit up a crazy route on the slopes which was an easiest slope but really long with a few turns and all. 

Man oh Man this was the worst idea i had in a long time like it was fun but then again it really wasn't because of the amount of times i seriously fell, certain parts of the mountain would be soft snow and others straight ICE, I hit my head so damn hard after 15mins of falling and getting up i finally said F this and unbuckled my snowboard shoes took them out the board  and carried the board down while walking, i was in so much pain 
that i was *****ing 

(not the best picture but just a little preview of the slopes)

started off at the little chief, went on bennekill to kittatinny all way down to green house slope on skis

Snowboard i took the Highspeed Quad up to Hiawatha down Upper Pennsylvania through Meadows down to Lower Pennsylvania out by the Green House Slope. It took me a good 30mins just about to get down even while walking toward the end
I REALLY try to stay off NT during work hours, but i minuswhale chalk up the L for the day in terms of motivation and production...

the piece of **** content management system i use went down after the software develops added extra, albeit unnecessary, features...ive been sitting here with nothing to do since about 7am...
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anyone familiar with IT or any bg in IT? i'm interested in possibly going for training in that field. being an (almost) nurse and since hospitals are going into the 21st century with more and more computers on the nursing floor, I think it would be beneficial for me tofurther stand out with a degree/certificate in IT. 
The wife has been reading my NT messages...

I feel like I can't have a tiny piece of privacy, not even NT is safe from female intrusion.

Now I gotta watch what I say EVERYWHERE

Hopefully she reads this , I'll be installing a key logger on her galaxys5 real soon.
The wife has been reading my NT messages...

I feel like I can't have a tiny piece of privacy, not even NT is safe from female intrusion.

Now I gotta watch what I say EVERYWHERE

Hopefully she reads this , I'll be installing a key logger on her galaxys5 real soon.
Pics of wife? Loljk

Dang, that's OD. If my girl did that it would bother me so much. Not that I have anything to hide, but I feel where you're coming from.

Maybe it's a good thing I don't have a girl, haha.
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Dudes will do anything for a check, and so called relevancy...

No matter what.

This is on par, or it could be worse than Bringing Down the House.
The wife has been reading my NT messages...

I feel like I can't have a tiny piece of privacy, not even NT is safe from female intrusion.

Now I gotta watch what I say EVERYWHERE

Hopefully she reads this , I'll be installing a key logger on her galaxys5 real soon.
bro i would put her in place. if i told someone to stop snooping once should be enough. at this point I would just ignore her bro, dont give her any facetime until she stops with her ****. 
Pics of wife? Loljk

Dang, that's OD. If my girl did that it would bother me so much. Not that I have anything to hide, but I feel where you're coming from.

Maybe it's a good thing I don't have a girl, haha.
I kinda want to put her on blast... just because it'll make her fall back.. she was mad I mentioned poking her cervix and said" what if somebody knows its you" I said " great, at least they'll know I'm above average and I like speaking with strangers online"

Oh and I said Asian yambs were marvelous... lol... **** I was in Japan for a year.
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got a interview with BAIT SF this weds.  Gonna try to apply for an assistant manager position there. 
I kinda want to put her on blast... just because it'll make her fall back.. she was mad I mentioned poking her cervix and said" what if somebody knows its you" I said " great, at least they'll know I'm above average and I like speaking with strangers online"

Oh and I said Asian yambs were marvelous... lol... **** I was in Japan for a year.
Would she be cool with it if you went through all her stuff? Not saying it makes it even if she's cool with it, just hope it isn't so one-sided. Has she been cheated on in the past or something? I don't mean to pry or disrespect you both, stop me if I'm crossing the line.

My uncle that was in the navy has told me the same thing about the Japanese honeys. Looks like I gotta find myself one.

EDIT: Wait, if she's screening your NT posts won't she eventually see this stuff too? Hi Mrs. sharpshooter718 sharpshooter718 !
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