the thread about nothing...

love killing TAN! seems whenever i post its too late. unless i start saying zooey deschanel is waaayyy overhyped!!!
Don't kill TAN bro 

I dont know why but donatello gettying yambed on has me dying

I out of this office after this meeting. I can spend the rest of my day on NT or doing something else rather than just sit here pretending to work.
I'm 21 and this has been happening to me frequently since I was a child. I saw my first day of seventh grade when I was in like fourth grade. I've just learned to live with it and stop letting it bother me.

I wonder what causes it though.

dat pineal gland
Nobody here calls Walmart, Walmart. It Wally World! LOL and Target is called Tarjay. I think they are like fraternal twins or something...
My boy moved to the middle of no where in Virginia a couple years ago

He said people would go to Walmart to chill like it was the mall :lol:
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