the thread about nothing...

found this pic and this was a huge deal to me
This thread needs some laughs so I'm going to tell a story.

Today when I was driving home from work I had to stop and get gas. Its blazing hot so I took off my shirt and drove home in a white tee. I get to the gas station and I'm pumping my gas, when I noticed that this girl who works at McDonalds which is right by the gas station is looking at me. I think nothing of it maybe its cause I look ridiculous wearing a white tee with khakis and dress shoes. Shes at the stand buying something but she keeps looking at me. She then starts to walk over to me, it was obvious cause she could have went the other way back to McDonalds which would have been faster. Shes light skinned, with blond hair, and cute enough for me. I dont drive a M3 so no NT dimes for me. At this point its obvious that shes coming over to me, so in my mind I'm like "yes, come here baby girl" she finally gets over to me, and before I could even say a word, she says "Oh I thought you were someone else" and walks away towards the McDonalds.
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why in the hell did i buy these back in 2008?


For a hot second I thought those were P. Miller's :lol:

Has anybody actually listened to Twerkteam rap? I listened to about 20 seconds of them rapping over "Actin Up" and I just had this ":rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes" look on my face
are they singing whilst twerking? im tryna see wat that mouth soundlike

Ehhh, nah, it's their "in studio performance"

ehhhhhhh is it me or are they gettin fat, like belly fat :lol:

they eating good off us simps

mad i cant watch suits until tomorrow >:
I am from the hood. I made it out.

I only like women from the hood. It is hard to meet a woman who has made it out of the hood. It is also hard to find a woman who is still in the hood with any sense of drive and ambition.

Women who come from privilege just don't do it for me. Women who try too hard to be down make me sick.


dog you read my mind.

hood shorties :smokin
Brother Ali is criminally slept on, dude's songs are so powerful :nthat:

Soulo :x :smokin

Kendrick drops his track tomorrow :smokin

And cats are actually anticipating "Dedication 4" :smh: :smh: :smh:
I am from the hood. I made it out.

I only like women from the hood. It is hard to meet a woman who has made it out of the hood. It is also hard to find a woman who is still in the hood with any sense of drive and ambition.

Women who come from privilege just don't do it for me. Women who try too hard to be down make me sick.


dog you read my mind.

hood shorties :smokin

@Sleazy and Cocotaso- they're like a rolled up and fried corn chip (the spicy ones are hot than a mofo)- the company i work for does all their displays and packaging, so we get free bags.

Hook a bretheren up!!!!

for real, I LOVE LOVE LOVE ME SOME FIRE TAKIS!!!!!!!!!!!111111


Its been a couple weeks since any have been brought in (usually they bring in the displays we do full of em). I'll send you and cocotaso a few bags if you want next time we get some, just pm me your address and I can UPS some to you (may not be for another week or 2).

once again,


you deserve player of the year award just for looking out for a stranger. theres some real folks on NT
12 ****** strike outs for Lee and than the goddamn bullpen goes a gives up grand slam, its so hard to watch the phils this year. Lee can't even get his 3rd win 
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Rita Ora is gorgeous, Kid Cudi sucks.
:nerd: i kno your entitled to your own opinion but any explanation as to why he sucks?
I honestly dont have a single Kid Cudi song that I mess with, it all sounds horrible to me. I will give him his credit because he does his thing well enough to gather a sizeable following but I think he is horrible. Theres a really short list of artists that I flat out do not mess with and he is on it.
Rita Ora is gorgeous, Kid Cudi sucks.

Get your flame suit ready. This is a Kid Cudi appreciation thread in disguise.
I've noticed, there was like 4 pages of struggle a while back when this thread became about Kid Cudi.


this, outside of dat kid named cudi i do not *** with buddy at all.
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