the thread about nothing...

Avon Barksdale was still bossing Stringer Bell when I left. Did it finish this way.?

Yes or no, no spoilers
Nt...I might have a slight crush on the video rental store girl. She's very whiskey tango, but is skinny and slight cute she likes movies. We smiled, flirted then I left. I gotta return these movies...I'm only in this town for two months, but I'm staying with my folks...idk what to do, should I see what's up?
Had to urban dictionary Whiskey Tango. Now I've learned something.

watching some videogame speedrun.

these dudes are just unreal
I'm guilty of this sometime.
As am I. Its fun to see. The Zelda ones have dudes running backwards the entire time
a music festival is being a cockblock.
 and i'm PMSing too so that makes things 9340293348243092 worse.
Learn to be self sufficient
Today is International French Kissing Day
Well time to get hit in the feels when I dont get one.
Rough workday.

Female client found out another client put the word out that he smashed. She gets hood wanting to fight him. He's leaving tomorrow so he doesn't care. I try to talk sense into her and calm her down. She's telling me she has a fiance and he visits and doesn't want him hearing about the 'rumor'. She gets her meds then leaves. The next guy comes in and tells me shes mad because the male client smashed her in exchange for his prepaid cellphone that he snuck into the facility. Turns out he ran out of minutes and that's why she was mad.

This place is like a coed Prison Break, smh
 This place sounds mad unsafe
Monday morning and im tired as hell.  Some times i hate being the responsible one

Hope everyone had a good 4th of july weekend
Was gonna start back up on the Wire.
Decided against that: Utopia rewatch, season 2 starting Friday, dope dope
Just got home.

Something about this sucks:

Manchester United & Nike unveil home kit

I'll look for an older kit one of these months.

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