The things women do or say that make you go...

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

from the back =


reverse cowgirl

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I know a couple freaks that can make that #$$$* bite that richard.
My girl has that bedroom talent. First time she did it it was like
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

backshots=submissive position if you wanna get deep about it



if you wanna get deep about it...

but like i said, i've NEVER met a chick who wasn't into backshots...
how bout we just stop with this whole backshots/penetration=submission

yall gon start givin some of them feminists a whole new idea. next thing you know girls gon start tryin 2 penetrate dudes talkin bout how we should submit to them
They are well ahead of you already
i demand an explanation for that statement

They are on that penetration = powers trip and try to piitb of the um guy. Or so I've heard, I don't know any feminists in real life
Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Nawth21

I have no idea what you are asking
i think he's talkin bout how all these females talk about act like they are extra open about sex & talk about how they would put it down on dudes. & then when he calls them out on all of their big talk. When it comes down to it they punk out & then start saying no i dont do that kinda stuff, im a good girl.

so basically i think he talkin bout the girls that claim that they are freaks in terms of sexuality, but when they actually get to the action they are the complete opposite aka boring & not creative

i didn't understand at first either but reading your response, goes...most girls who do alot of "talking" about how openlly sexual they are, to me is a front...I think a real lady (who more than likely will be a freak in the sheets), keeps that hush-hush...or knows where to draw the line so to keep her man wondering...and leaving someting for the imagination.

Also, it could just be plan and simple...anyone can talk a lot of shhh about what they believe they know about, but could also have absolutely no experience in it. As to why do girls do this....idk...(almost) same question goes to guys...why ya'll lie on your &^*0 (not all but some do)?

word, that @$%# gets to me
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