The Simpsons Tapped Out....!!!!

Are they going to fix the characters? mine walk all over the place, through buildings, backwards looking like the moonwalk.

small thing but it annoys me. level 27 and I own all the land, so they go from corner to corner in no time.
added ya ya noob
Noob?!?! *looks at my town....then looks at yours*
Add me. Android crcballer55
 I just got your add! We're able to do iphone-android crossovers now?!?!
Must be a Sacramento thing. Step up your #HereWeBuy game. What are you Here We 'ing?
I just finished it! check it out 
It's not finished, needs a hashtag so people outside of Sac & Seattle know what you're staying for.
I have no room for a # 

and your place is a mess! What you farming for??? 
Get rid of some of that water. Don't be greedy with the free landscaping.

I'm farming for money. Got it spread out in 4, 6, & 12 hour money farms. It allows me to level up every 2-3 days.
No cheating here.
Must be a Sacramento thing. Step up your #HereWeBuy game. What are you Here We 'ing?
I just finished it! check it out 
It's not finished, needs a hashtag so people outside of Sac & Seattle know what you're staying for.
I have no room for a # 

and your place is a mess! What you farming for??? 
Get rid of some of that water. Don't be greedy with the free landscaping.

I'm farming for money. Got it spread out in 4, 6, & 12 hour money farms. It allows me to level up every 2-3 days.
No cheating here.
Ahh I respect you for not cheating 

I'm using that water as a place holder, I'll get rid of it once new buildings come out!

Also you should chekc out the Kings thread, some sorta new news today 
Damn 400 snakes can't come fast enough, feels like its taking forever. I want to harvest snakes from my neighbors.
Went through my friends list and deleted people who haven't played in over a month. Also added the new requests.

Still have room for a few more rafj27_nt
This damn glitch with the snakes disappearing after visiting a friend's town is driving me crazy..
Kudos to those of yall who have been sending me eggs.

but please put them in obvious places 
 theres like 2 eggs I can't find 
So when you release snakes form other towns with Lisa do they loose them or does it make double for your town?
Thanks for the eggs whoever planted them :nerd:

Here's my origin name, could use some more :nerd:


rck, I just placed 4 eggs in your town. I hid two of them :lol:
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