The RETRO Gaming Thread!

Too late but my advice would have been, as video games are concerned, stock what you buy, and play on emulators, experience is often better on them for most of not very powerful consoles, and it permits you to still have a legal copy, just in case
ur tripping, anything newer than a ps1 emulates inaccurately, and the UI/X by comparison is terrible, especially in the case of the handhelds, and even moreso on the DS where the touchscreen was a huge focus for the majority of popular games



I dont really know.
Maybe we can start dropping us our twitch and then use this thread if it fills the theme, and if it doesn't a discord...
I'm mainly streaming Donkey Kong Country, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark + Super Mario Land 1 these days, and every other game I'm thinking of streaming is rather old school too lol
Old 2D platform games etc.

No webcam, mic on on the oldest but no speaking, and my oral english would have been bad if I did talk :rofl: mic off on recent ones so...
If anyone interested by old games who is streaming too drops his twitch it could be cool
Some time before the pandemic I took my nephew out to a local arcade that only had retro games. Plenty of the 80s and 90s cabinets and even console setups. You just had to pay like 10 bucks and everything was unlimited for 2 hours. I hope that place survived


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A little before the pandemic I took my nephew out to a local arcade that only had retro games. Plenty of the 80s and 90s cabinets and even console setups. You just had to pay like 10 bucks and everything was unlimited for 2 hours. I hope that place survived

That exact type of arcade I went to with my little nephews looks to be gone. All that’s left are the bright neon signs. They closed about a month into the pandemic hitting my area.

EDIT: Just looked them up and it shows they’re temporarily closed. Says they’ll re-open June 1st 2021 :emoji_muscle::emoji_sun_with_face:
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I wish I could find a local arcade that is going out of business near me so I can buy a couple,, but they are all long gone.
A lot of great ideas in Bonk's and Kirby's series / N64 jacket is super dope, looks like some Jordan jackets from a few years ago ( I don't know about the current ones )
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