The reason why Philly will never accept Kobe....vid.

Originally Posted by raw120

what was the point of them even doing a story? this isnt even relevant any more. i could understand if this was 2001. no one in philly has cared about hating kobe bryant in almost 10 years.

tell that to fresh and 4wrestling

Originally Posted by OU Imran

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Philly is horrible... I mean that the citizens there are just ungrateful bastards seriously. Turn on someone in a heartbeat, no matter how much they've done for them in the past

How the ++$% you boo Santa Clause G???


In general from my observation Philly has some of the worst pro sports fans period. They will hate on any and everyone for no apparent reason. Was he supposed to let AI win a title or throw games when he comes to town.

When it's all said and done and Kobe goes down as one of the greatest to ever play the game then they will start trying to claim him.
Honestly your general observation is bs.  Dudes just go with what the national media says and thats it.  Funny thing is nobody else would want to be judged by people that are only basing their beliefs on 2nd hand account for the most part.  Philly has #*%**%# fans no doubt but find me a city that doesn't. 

As far as Kobe that story is somewhat garbage cause Lord knows there are a ton of Lakers/Kobe fans right here in Philly.  Story making it seem like dude public enemy #1.  Some of the stuff he brings on himself.  Same way some Cleveland peeps was mad at Lbj for rocking a Yankees fitted at a game is the same way some cats in Philly feel. 

For the dude that asked about Sheed he gets much love but so do most Philly cats really.  Seymour what if D Rose was rocking a Cardinals or whoever the hell the Sox rival is?  You know some cats would be pissed.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by raw120

what was the point of them even doing a story? this isnt even relevant any more. i could understand if this was 2001. no one in philly has cared about hating kobe bryant in almost 10 years.

tell that to fresh and 4wrestling

They did the story because it's obviously something that still eats at Kobe.  I'm sure the Philly heads respect his game (and like Haiti said, he's got a Philly swagger in the way he does stuff on the court), but they don't respect him as a person.  That's probably why they'll never accept him. 

You'll never see this happen to a baller from New York (sans Marbury getting his chain snatched....
)....there's always folks who will show love. 
Originally Posted by SouthsideChi773

And there is nothing that can change it or else it is going to become forced and not genuine...

...son is winning but he still can't win.

Who wants to be loved by Philly fans anyway?

Fans are fickle beyond belief (TO for ex. First the hated him then they loved him then they hated him again
Like Ocks said, at the end of the day, Kobe dont get that love because he's from the suburbs. We all know that poison mentality that N's have: if you aint from the hood, you cant rep right. Its like that everywhere.

Add that with the normal "F-whoever" +#%% Philly always be on, and there goes your reason.

(Anybody remember that SLAM Magazine Scoop Jackson article about Kobe right after the All-Star game, when they boo'd him? Kobe was crying headed back to the locker room
....that really hurt him.)
Didn't want to start a new thread for this...but has anyone else gotten the sense that Kobe really doesn't give a @#@! anymore?

I feel like his SOLE purpose as an athlete to get that last championship (without Shaq). I think he has a little fire left to go out and get another but I don't think he'll be DEVASTATED like he probably was in 2007. He seems REAL lax lately.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Didn't want to start a new thread for this...but has anyone else gotten the sense that Kobe really doesn't give a @#@! anymore?

I feel like his SOLE purpose as an athlete to get that last championship (without Shaq). I think he has a little fire left to go out and get another but I don't think he'll be DEVASTATED like he probably was in 2007. He seems REAL lax lately.
I mean, I feel like he is still a stone cold killer but he got the BIG monkey off his back (winning a chip without Shaq).  He cemented himself in the great pantheon of players now.  Everything from here on out his extra, just adding to his greatness.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Seymour what if D Rose was rocking a Cardinals or whoever the hell the Sox rival is?  You know some cats would be pissed.

Aye... we don't care about that *%%$... As long as he doesn't wear a Cubs fitted all is forgiven.  Chicago is the home of thee most loyal fan base you will ever find G, hell we even cheered for Jud Buechler after he was traded to Detroit when he came back to play against us. Same thing with Jamal Crawford.  We cheer for all the hometown kids, only one I couldn't rock with was Mr. Wade but that was just my personal bias but I got over it hell I'd be willing to bet that Chicago is one of the top 5 markets for his jersey... We support our own win lose or draw, hell half the city roots for a team that hasn't won in over a century... FAITHFULLY. Bum %## Cubs
  We just take pride in everything that is Chicago.

Philly is an entirely different beast, I mean there is no place like it.  They don't $%%* with anything or anybody G look what y'all did to Chuck, he was the heart of that squad gave everything he had every time he stepped on the floor to win for y'all.  Yet y'all *##*!!% on him every chance y'all could, I can't honor that bro I'm sorry.
Originally Posted by Verdykt

Him being a giant douche might be the reason too.

QFT, this is the reason I never liked him, as great a player as he is (and I respect his game) as a person he is a huge ***
Originally Posted by hawkflight6

Originally Posted by Verdykt

Him being a giant douche might be the reason too.

QFT, this is the reason I never liked him, as great a player as he is (and I respect his game) as a person he is a huge ***

Have you met him? I met him on a few occasions and he was friendly, Lebron on the other hand......
I think the past couple years kobe has gotten back the the personality that he had from 96 - 2001. Just loving the game and having fun with it.

He might have been in his feelings during that philly series in the finals, thus turning him into the douche kobe from late 02 - 06 with a huge chip on his shoulder from being shunned by a city which he clearly loves.

Philly should be happy he even still claims them. LA>>>> everything in Philly.

I mean philly boo'd santa claus, the national anthem and McNabb. Clearly they don't have any common sense.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Seymour what if D Rose was rocking a Cardinals or whoever the hell the Sox rival is?  You know some cats would be pissed.

Aye... we don't care about that *%%$... As long as he doesn't wear a Cubs fitted all is forgiven.  Chicago is the home of thee most loyal fan base you will ever find G, hell we even cheered for Jud Buechler after he was traded to Detroit when he came back to play against us. Same thing with Jamal Crawford.  We cheer for all the hometown kids, only one I couldn't rock with was Mr. Wade but that was just my personal bias but I got over it hell I'd be willing to bet that Chicago is one of the top 5 markets for his jersey... We support our own win lose or draw, hell half the city roots for a team that hasn't won in over a century... FAITHFULLY. Bum %## Cubs
  We just take pride in everything that is Chicago.

Philly is an entirely different beast, I mean there is no place like it.  They don't $%%* with anything or anybody G look what y'all did to Chuck, he was the heart of that squad gave everything he had every time he stepped on the floor to win for y'all.  Yet y'all *##*!!% on him every chance y'all could, I can't honor that bro I'm sorry.

Originally Posted by hawkflight6

Originally Posted by Verdykt

Him being a giant douche might be the reason too.

QFT, this is the reason I never liked him, as great a player as he is (and I respect his game) as a person he is a huge ***
Actually you couldn't be more false. As someone that my father has met on several occasions due to basketball business you wouldn't know that was Kobe. He is different than he is on the court. He's not a pompous bastard, he cracks jokes and is laid back.
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

I mean philly boo'd santa claus, the national anthem and McNabb. Clearly they don't have any common sense.

I forgot they boo'd The National Anthem
How the ++$% you boo Santa Clause G???

 Probably one the best SPORTS moments ever.  Santa Clause getting hit with snowballs.

Anybody remember that SLAM Magazine Scoop Jackson article about Kobe right after the All-Star game, when they boo'd him? Kobe was crying headed back to the locker room
....that really hurt him.
Of course, how could anybody forget.  Kobe was tearing up during the all-star game which was in his home-town
.  Dude got no love whatsoever.  Kobe got booed so bad he was crying even before he walked off the court to the locker room.
Originally Posted by Lex Starks

Originally Posted by hawkflight6

Originally Posted by Verdykt

Him being a giant douche might be the reason too.

QFT, this is the reason I never liked him, as great a player as he is (and I respect his game) as a person he is a huge ***
Actually you couldn't be more false. As someone that my father has met on several occasions due to basketball business you wouldn't know that was Kobe. He is different than he is on the court. He's not a pompous bastard, he cracks jokes and is laid back.


i find it funny when people like verd and hawk judge a person and assuming who they havent even met

now i havent met kobe but ive got plenty of friends and family who has met him...every single one of them had nothing but positive things to say about him except his wife...theyve told me shes a total female dog

as far as philly goes...theyre just classless...why the hell would you boo santa claus? and wow the national anthem? when did this happen?
That's gotta be tough but screw them....he will get love from the Philly fans that love the game.

I get so tired of hearing "he's arrogant"...Mike is arrogant but people still kissing his $*# worldwide.

I remember the "cutting hearts"comment and when he was booed in ASG...I know in his mind he had to be thinking F yall
Good piece, but not sure why it matters.  Maybe to Kobe it does, I dunno, but until Philly is relevant in the NBA again, I don't know what they can be mad about anymore.  It's not Kobe's fault they passed on him 96, and what did they expect him to say during the finals?   But, I'm not from Philly so maybe I just don't understand.  *shrugs*
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

That's gotta be tough but screw them....he will get love from the Philly fans that love the game.

I get so tired of hearing "he's arrogant"...Mike is arrogant but people still kissing his $*# worldwide.

I remember the "cutting hearts"comment and when he was booed in ASG...I know in his mind he had to be thinking F yall
the funny thing is when that caller called the radio station...he hates kobe for the same reason people hate philly fans

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