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That reddit leak is hella fake but a nice fictional story though :lol:
BC with PS1/2/3/4. Yea right

What's yall expectations graphics wise? Do you think it'll be a big difference from the Pro?
Looking like it'll be nearly 3 times more powerful than the pro without a rubbish CPU and Slow hard drive to boot.
Add in dedicated ray tracing chip and games are going to look glorious.

I think a lot of devs wont target native 4K and use methods like checkerboarding and use save resources for other graphical effects.

I'm usually excited by graphics but this time round I'm more excited for what the other things will bring. SSD, VR, AI, RT etc..

Honestly, if the graphics didn't look any better than Red Dead 2 looks on the Pro, I wouldn't be bothered.
It's not the graphics that need to improve that much. It's the performance. 30fps needs to die out and be a part of history with the release of PS5. And if not, then every game should have a resolution vs performance option.

Man 30fps is not going to die but I definitely think we will see more options for performance.
Hardware across the both next gen consoles and PC will be the closest its ever been in terms of specs and components next gen. No excuse this time but I would still expect some games to be 30fps with no options. The general public prefers graphics to frame rate.

Yeah no way am I getting this on current gen :lol:

Just delay everything minus Final Fantasy VII Remake and launch it with PS5.

Agreed :lol:
Even FFVII, why bother play a third of a game when I can wait.

FFXV Royal Edition scarred me man. I have a platinum trophy but only 45% percent completion :lol: :smh:
I'm still mad they made the Comrades trophies unobtainable. Apparently there is a way to juggled patches to still get them, but there is no way I am doing that. :smh:

I'm using the XV story DLC as one of my JRPGs to complete one month.
one of the things I wish were a thing is being able to transfer saves from ffVII and IX on my ps3 to the ps4 version (and i'm sure a ps5 version is dropping). I don't care about the trophies and not being able to get them if something like that were a thing. that's fine.

also we need a parasite eve remake.
one of the things I wish were a thing is being able to transfer saves from ffVII and IX on my ps3 to the ps4 version (and i'm sure a ps5 version is dropping). I don't care about the trophies and not being able to get them if something like that were a thing. that's fine.

also we need a parasite eve remake.
Why :lol:

part of the fun was doing it all over again :lol:
Why :lol:

part of the fun was doing it all over again :lol:
I don't know. lol. that's true now that I think about it...I guess maybe for certain games I don't want to level to 99 in and for ap purposes with ffvii.
lol now that I think about it tho there's no point in what I was doing because there aren't enemies powerful enough to cause a challenge with the right set up.
Xbox will use a current gen ssd, vs sony working with Samsung (the ssd king) on a next gen ssd. Be very clear though, current gen nvme ssds are incredibly ******* fast.
From the Wired PS5 reveal article.

On the TV, Spidey stands in a small plaza. Cerny presses a button on the controller, initiating a fast-travel interstitial screen. When Spidey reappears in a totally different spot in Manhattan, 15 seconds have elapsed. Then Cerny does the same thing on a next-gen devkit connected to a different TV. (The devkit, an early “low-speed” version, is concealed in a big silver tower, with no visible componentry.) What took 15 seconds now takes less than one: 0.8 seconds, to be exact.

That’s just one consequence of an SSD. There’s also the speed with which a world can be rendered, and thus the speed with which a character can move through that world. Cerny runs a similar two-console demonstration, this time with the camera moving up one of Midtown’s avenues. On the original PS4, the camera moves at about the speed Spidey hits while web-slinging. “No matter how powered up you get as Spider-Man, you can never go any faster than this,” Cerny says, “because that's simply how fast we can get the data off the hard drive.” On the next-gen console, the camera speeds uptown like it’s mounted to a fighter jet.

Here is the demo

It’s not just the speed that makes the SSD formidable, he says, but the efficiency it offers. Think about the hard drive in a game console, spinning like a 5,400-rpm vinyl record. For the console to read a piece of information off the drive, it first has to send out the disk head—like a turntable needle—to find it. Each “seek,” as it’s known, may entail only a scant handful of milliseconds, but seeks add up. To minimize them, developers will often duplicate certain game assets in order to form contiguous data blocks, which the drive can read faster.

But data adds up too. "If you look at a game like Marvel's Spider-Man," Cerny says, "there are some pieces of data duplicated 400 times on the hard drive." The SSD sweeps away the need for all that duping—so not only is its raw read speed dramatically faster than a hard drive, but it saves crucial space. How developers will take advantage of that space will likely differ; some may opt to build a larger or more detailed game world, others may be content to shrink the size of the games or patches.
Playstation vs XBOX is basically:

XBOX brand: American Muscle car (Big engine with tons of horse power and torque)
Playstation brand: Japanese brand car (Better physics, handling, built for drifting)

Been like this for generations.


I can’t say I disagree.
Man honestly wouldn't mind seeing a new Midnight Club racing game from R*

But we all know they are probably cooking up GTA VI for next gen.

Backwards compat on PS5 and I would re buy Midnight Club LA Dub Edition and Max Payne 3
Playstation vs XBOX is basically:

XBOX brand: American Muscle car (Big engine with tons of horse power and torque)
Playstation brand: Japanese brand car (Better physics, handling, built for drifting)

Been like this for generations.

I read this analogy and my first thought is...damn, have what home gaming consoles really been missing this whole time is a German manufacturer to nail the complete package. :lol:
This isn’t true at all but I’m gonna just say, ok.

Care to elaborate on the differences of those "leaks"? Most of us in here are just console peasants :frown:

Sony's SSD (if thats what you want to call it) is already well documented so there's no need to go in to that very much. It's going to be phenomenal all around. Microsoft has something a little more ambiguous in terms of how it'll handle memory read/write/processing. Just watch, neither will disappoint.
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