The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

AC: Origins is the best AC game I’ve played. It’s up there with The Witcher III. I have AC: Odyssey ready to go as well.
They still have CoD, and they still have all the Blizzard IPs...........despite the on-going controversy with Activision wanting to downsize the staff over at Blizzard AND wanting to push more "monetized content" from Blizzard as well.

It came out today that, after spending 2018 imploring employees to cut costs and shuffling around talent, they awarded their new CFO a 15 million dollar payday. (a/p Jason Shrier's recent tweet)
ACO really that good? I remember the ACG review calling it really mediocre. And saying fights basically come down strictly to level of the enemy relative to yours as opposed to skill
ACO really that good? I remember the ACG review calling it really mediocre. And saying fights basically come down strictly to level of the enemy relative to yours as opposed to skill

I really enjoyed it, but it's the only Assassin's Creed game I've ever played.
I finally beat RDR 2 and man the game is just so dope :pimp: The game really picks up at chapter 4 and everything story wise and side quests tie in all together. I honestly don't see how people knock this game and quit on it after the first 3 chapters or because they aren't happy with the games controls or shooting system. I mean if you played a R* open world game then yeah people should know that the controls and shooting system aren't the greatest and has flaws in it but I seriously don't get how thats a deal breaker or would cause somebody to just quit and stop playing the game :lol:

I can honestly say this is R*'s best story telling on any game they have produced and made so far.

I'd have to honestly say it deserved to get GOTY over God Of War PS4 last year.

God Of War PS4 as great as it was to me is a little overrated. The story is still pretty much linear and they just added rpg elements to the main story line and with Kratos and his son. I mean the GOW franchise series needed it badly this time around after GOW Ascension BOMBED and sucked last gen on PS3.
i used to to enjoy my psp... cant say the same thing with the vita... maybe i dont play enough games on it...i got the same games from like 6 years ago lol... but i only use my vita when on vacation and bored on the plane
Vita was actually a better piece of hardware than the 3DS. I believe the pricing of the proprietary memory cards led to weak sales which in turn kept 3rd party developers away from it. Vita with the same support that PSP got would have been nuts.

Sony should definitely take another crack at the handheld space.
I finally beat RDR 2 and man the game is just so dope :pimp: The game really picks up at chapter 4 and everything story wise and side quests tie in all together. I honestly don't see how people knock this game and quit on it after the first 3 chapters or because they aren't happy with the games controls or shooting system. I mean if you played a R* open world game then yeah people should know that the controls and shooting system aren't the greatest and has flaws in it but I seriously don't get how thats a deal breaker or would cause somebody to just quit and stop playing the game :lol:

I can honestly say this is R*'s best story telling on any game they have produced and made so far.

I'd have to honestly say it deserved to get GOTY over God Of War PS4 last year.

God Of War PS4 as great as it was to me is a little overrated. The story is still pretty much linear and they just added rpg elements to the main story line and with Kratos and his son. I mean the GOW franchise series needed it badly this time around after GOW Ascension BOMBED and sucked last gen on PS3.

I definitely agree about people's complaints on quitting and the controls. I mean they put a TON of features into the game and had to put in a TON of controls to compensate for the interactions the player would have to do. Storytelling was def on point too. Finished the game awhile ago and went the full honor route, can't wait to play on my 2nd play through as a true outlaw. Soundtrack is fire too, they just knew exactly how

I do disagree on GOTY though. As someone who tried 3-4 times to get into GOW on PS3 and just quit because the gameplay wasn't for me and the story wasn't enticing to me. This new GOW had me hooked from the beginning and what they did with the character of Kratos reminded me of a "Logan" meets "the Road". Compared to RDR2 it was more intimate and it really helped that they did the entire thing in a one shot(something I'm a sucker for because of what goes into that from a technical perspective) I also liked the armor building and perks building. Me personally, because GOW pretty much got me invested in a series I had written off already in the previous gen and brought me back, with a new fresh take and wondering where it goes from here, that's GOTY material.

I bought a PS4 for RDR2 and honestly it hit every single note for me and exceeded my expectations even, especially in the soundtrack department and honestly it was my GOTY and I was dreading the idea that I bought this game from a series that failed to capture me 4 times before, but I gave it a fair shot and was blown away.
Currently playing Spider-Man now and while it's not as good as the above mentioned games(to me), its still great in a origin, first super hero movie type of way, really can't wait to see what the sequel brings. It's also A LOT lighter, which I'm kinda grateful for :lol:
After SM it's off to HZD, which is the real wildcard for me and I hope it delivers.

just happy to have all these great games available, and to barely have touched the surface really.
The quality of these games is truly insane, and I'm loving how each studio seems to be pushing themselves and envelope.
Do ya'll think video games are better now compared to the PS1 and PS2 generation?...I mean from a having fun perspective
Do ya'll think video games are better now compared to the PS1 and PS2 generation?...I mean from a having fun perspective

That's a subjective question my G. I'm in my 30s and I've enjoyed certain game genres right from the Atari 2500 to present.
It really depends on the game and what you’re aiming for. I think JRPGs from the SNES era were better. We didn’t have voice acting so a lot of times we just had to use our imagination and interpret what was going through the heads of the characters. I remember thinking Kefka from FF VI was this cool cape wearing, slick at the mouth, super laid back and smooth villain and then they gave him a voice in Dissidia :sick:
Do ya'll think video games are better now compared to the PS1 and PS2 generation?...I mean from a having fun perspective
This generation is better than the PS3 era, but microtransactions, season pass's, and incomplete games needing first updates to "complete" the game kills it for me. PS1 and PS2 are both 10/10, PS3 is a 7/10, and the PS4 is 9/10 if you include independent titles.
Do ya'll think video games are better now compared to the PS1 and PS2 generation?...I mean from a having fun perspective

Getting older, having a family, work life and personal time off plays a factor. The older you get you just have different priorities & responsibilities , different energy level on how you spend a day and how you spend time off from work.

Easily when I was 21 to 29 I could literally play a open world game, RPG game, or sports game for almost 2 days straight with only taking breaks to eat, sleep, use the bathroom, shower, and change clothes.

Now that I'm in late 30's I'm lucky if I can get in 2 or 3 hours of gaming on a week day after working a full day. Weekend I get maybe close 1 day of dedicated gaming to myself.
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i stayed home a lot playing ps2 and ps3...cant say the same about ps4... i enjoyed both equally but ill go with the ps3 cuz the online was more stable... but the ps2 had some classics...definitely dont enjoy my ps4 as much as the previous generations but still good nonetheless
I enjoy playing games more than I ever did before. With how big gaming has become there’s so much out there nowadays to enjoy from AAA to indie games. I can’t say I really enjoyed previous gens due to nostalgia. But I’d say I’m having just as much fun with games now than I’ve had before because so many games I enjoy now simply would not have been able to come out in the past

Only thing that sucks nowadays is that I have to prioritize my time more due to working full time |l
I think the games right now are about on par with the PS1 and PS2 generation but as most of you have said it's hard to have a lot of time to play with responsibilities as adults
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