The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

No it'd be funnier if she says yes but gets gang-banged by a bunch of dark as night bbc dudes at her bachelorette party and lets him know.

why would it matter?

tiger might have bbc.... it might hurt him more if it was like a group of asians or pakistanian dudes.

be creative
Now this is simping...... and tricking at the same time.

The fact that he put a # on it makes me think he's also paying to cheat on her. It'll be funny if she denies him. No it'd be funnier if she says yes but gets gang-banged by a bunch of dark as night bbc dudes at her bachelorette party and lets him know.

The amount of focus that some of ya'll have on other males penis' is insane. Why you need to bring up the color and size of a mans penis in this debate is beyond my comprehension.

She's not challenging him, she's taking a bet, which in reality is a win win for her, they together, she's rich, he cheats, she's even richer...

What'a love to 350M?...

You're 100% right. This broad knows exactly what she's doing. This is a perfect win-win situation, and Tiger is a fool for this. At this rate, she'll take him for everything he has. Love has pretty much nothing to do with this anymore.
she's not perfect.  most of us can agree on that.  if she was, tiger wouldn't have been looking for that something else with other chicks.  no woman is perfect.
WHat? Even if she was perfect Tiger would have did what he did. Her being perfect wouldn't prevent him from looking for other vaginas to molest.
If she does not trust him why is she marrying him? IF this story is true and I doubt it's true she is only coming back for the money and  only the money not because she wants her family back together.

Signing and anti cheating clause does not ensure he won't cheat and it sure as heck don't ensure he will love and respect her.
What he fails to understand is that this is just like insurance

He's lied to her before, so she can't believe his words

So he put up that money so she obviously believes him
If she does not trust him why marry him again? The foundation of any marriage or real relationship is first and foremost trust.
can someone please answer the question of "what happens if she cheats?"

He'll say he's disappointed in her, but will ultimately look the other way and continue wifing her because he will claim to care more about the "family".

As far as the pre-nuptial agreement, he'll probably change the terms so that in the event of their realized separation, she'll get a lesser payout.

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$350 million anti-cheating clause
Anti- cheating clause? a LOT of people gonna start doing that now 
honestly my biggest problem with tiger is the fact that he cheated on this



oh but this is NT so ib4 AWG, which is flat out ********. this woman's body is just about perfect. and this is model quality, idk how kate upton got a modeling job her body looks fugazi esp compared to this.

damn near 9 or more/10 wife, with 2 kids and you gonna **** it up with less attractive breezys?
ill never cheat but even i know if you cheat you better do it with someone who beats out the person your cheating on in looks. yea im kinda salty.

and now he's offering some sort of box office NBA type contract to resign his wife? if she accepts its cuz she wants money. dude broke that womans heart no amount of cash in the world is gonna have her "loving" you again. 1 woman is bad enough but you midas well spit in elin's face if you smashed SEVEN women. tiger got it twisted, if she could get away with it, she'd cut his balls off.

actually surprised dude had paper like that still...
If yambs weren't coming my way like that then no, but I dnt have a problem w that. So after awhile I'd def get a wondering eye. Because in time marriage is gonna be routine, no matter how much you role play, try diff positions etc.

But if me and a girl lk Elin had a strong spiritual bond, and the outmost respect. Then I would def be faithful. But most ppl nvr find their ideal mate.

Most people do but get tired. You meet them when you're 20, then you are screwed. Never really had the time to have sex with other people and then you start to wonder.

Yeah. There's always exceptions to the rule however. But even if you have nice girls still approaching you it's kinda hard to not pursue.
Lol @ his accountants betting he will slip up again

She is lookin right in that beach pic tho
she's not perfect.  most of us can agree on that.  if she was, tiger wouldn't have been looking for that something else with other chicks.  no woman is perfect.
WHat? Even if she was perfect Tiger would have did what he did. Her being perfect wouldn't prevent him from looking for other vaginas to molest.
i imagine if the perfect vagina did exist he wouldn't feel the need to look elsewhere because it would provide everything he'd ever want.

hence me saying there is no such thing as a perfect woman.  men always feel the need to wander to get that "new" unknown.  If something's perfect it would fulfill all your needs/desires/interests no?  You wouldn't be able to get bored because... well it'd be perfect.  you couldn't find anything that had what it didn't.  defeating the craving for new p. in theory of course.
can someone please answer the question of "what happens if she cheats?"

He'll say he's disappointed in her, but will ultimately look the other way and continue wifing her because he will claim to care more about the "family".

As far as the pre-nuptial agreement, he'll probably change the terms so that in the event of their realized separation, she'll get a lesser payout.

he can't unilaterally change the terms of the agreement once it's signed.

what a pre-nup is is basically a business contract.  if you cheat, then you're breaching said contract and you're forced to pay money to the other party.  in this case, if she cheats she won't get $350mil, and I'm almost certain the $200mil will be dependent on the cause of their divorce.  If she cheats/does something grimy that ends the marriage she isn't getting $200 million.

that all depends on where the prenup is signed and in what state they file the divorce in of course.  You'd have to check florida matrimonial laws.
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Word, id pay that much and more to have my child's mother back, real love is precious...

Its not like he's doing this for some random broad, its his x wife - that left him because he cheated.... not the other way around...
Exactly but, there didn't seem to be any love there. John Merchant who helped Tiger get the Nike deal has always said he believed that Tiger's marriage to Elin was more about image than anything else. Tiger was already marketable but, with a family he would be more attractive to sponsors.

One of those women who slept with Tiger claimed she was with Tiger the night before he married Elin down in Barbados and yall forget Tiger paid Rachel Uchitel $10 million to stay quiet. Obviously there was more to their relationship than just sex. I don't believe all affairs are about the sex and I don't believe that is the case with Tiger. He seemed lonely and Hank Haney made the same point in his book. He never seemed happy.  He seemed to be looking for something else in some of the women he was spent time with during his marriage. Even Ian Poulter or one of the other golfers talked about how unhappy Tiger seemed those last two years prior to the scandal.
I disagree. I think if there was a perfect woman it would still become mundane after a while and you would be looking for something elsewhere. (Speaking of Tiger).
No it'd be funnier if she says yes but gets gang-banged by a bunch of dark as night bbc dudes at her bachelorette party and lets him know.

why would it matter?

tiger might have bbc.... it might hurt him more if it was like a group of asians or pakistanian dudes.

be creative
Tiger has explicitly said he's not black/does not identify with his black heritage/culture. The irony in her doing that would be hilarious and insulting. Why would it hurt him more if she got with a bunch of Asian dudes?

You just didn't get it.

A group of Asians or paki dudes is just a weird fetish or a regional thing.
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I wonder when Tiger stopped identifying with his black side because there is a video of him when he was 14 where he identified himself as black.
I wonder when Tiger stopped identifying with his black side because there is a video of him when he was 14 where he identified himself as black.
I don't know where you been the past three decades but according to Tiger he's "Cablinasian"

14 years old aint really the age to be quoting something when the dude is a grown man and has said otherwise in interviews.
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I think Tiger knows he's black but, over time somehow he became convinced that it was more lucrative to downplay his blackness. When he was sending ol girl nasty text messages he was telling her he was Bone Thugs & Harmony and I think he even called himself Blasian. He knows what he is he just don't want to admit it like the rest of the world don't already know.
i imagine if the perfect vagina did exist he wouldn't feel the need to look elsewhere because it would provide everything he'd ever want.

hence me saying there is no such thing as a perfect woman.  men always feel the need to wander to get that "new" unknown.  If something's perfect it would fulfill all your needs/desires/interests no?  You wouldn't be able to get bored because... well it'd be perfect.  you couldn't find anything that had what it didn't.  defeating the craving for new p. in theory of course.

he can't unilaterally change the terms of the agreement once it's signed.

what a pre-nup is is basically a business contract.  if you cheat, then you're breaching said contract and you're forced to pay money to the other party.  in this case, if she cheats she won't get $350mil, and I'm almost certain the $200mil will be dependent on the cause of their divorce.  If she cheats/does something grimy that ends the marriage she isn't getting $200 million.

that all depends on where the prenup is signed and in what state they file the divorce in of course.  You'd have to check florida matrimonial laws.
Tiger gona pull an OJ when he wan'ts more P. haha May higher NINJAHOOD with the musket lol
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