Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Yeah 5:30 is cool I'll just leave early from work.
so your excuse for leaving work early is a fantasy draft? shame on you.
Nah, I don't need an excuse and I typically get in by8.
SJax > Kobe

Thats what I took outta that interview.

..and that Jack will beat your @%* if he wants to.
Is anyone still excited about the Saw movies? I really like the concept but after 5, I'd think it would be okay to stop ...

And Acid, even if I'm inebriated like that, I'd still get more play than you.
Originally Posted by What up

Is anyone still excited about the Saw movies? I really like the concept but after 5, I'd think it would be okay to stop ...

I'm surprised, I wouldn't take you as someone who would like the Saw franchise.

For most people, after the first they tuned them out, unless your one of the kids who goes to movies to just see something bloody/gory.

But I know you're not.

I loved them from the start, I thought the first was really innovative, and I love James Wan as a director, as well as Leigh Whannell. The second was justdecent, Saw 3 was probably the weakest of the three IMO. Saw 4 brought the franchise back on par with the second, but the fifth one really blew me away, Ireally liked the way Costas Mandylor carried himself, his demeanor just gave me chills.

It should have ended there, because from what I've seen of the clips of VI, the production quality seems to have dropped dramatically. I think after thisone, maybe VII, they will start going direct-to-DVD. I think the average audience is too saturated in Saw movies they really don't care too much anymore.

They really marketed it well though, stringing them together year-after-year. If they had waited a few years in-between movies, it would have been harder forthem to get the word out, harder to market the movie. But since they do it as almost a Halloween tradition, it's worked well for them.

If you're into horror movies, check out Deadgirl, Inside, and Trick r' Treat, some of the better movies I've checked out over the past few years.Inside is probably the best of them all, but it's in French, it may turn some viewers away, but it's a really dark, deep movie.

EDIT: Speaking of the Saw franchise though, I thought Repo! The Genetic Opera was such a failure on so many levels. The concept was really good, thecinematography was good for the most part, but it seemed like they were trying to have a fusion of A Clockwork Orange and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and itcame off terrible. If it was a standalone movie and not a crapfest of operatic trash, it could have worked as a movie. I don't mind what Darren LynnBousman brought to the Saw franchise, but the execution of Repo! was very poor.
I think I've heard of Inside and I'm definitely staying away. After watching a scary movie, I need to spend the night at my girl's placebecause if I wake up in the middle of the night I won't be able to fall back asleep.
I'm surprised, I wouldn't take you as someone who would like the Saw franchise.
You don't even know me. What are typical Saw fanslike?
I DON'T know you, I guess I won't pretend like I do.
.It just seems like there are two audiences for the Saw Franchise, hardcore horror nerds (theone I fall into), or the everyday high school kids who just want to see blood and guts and go see it with a girl. I didn't take you as either of those, butthere's always the general movie-attending audiences.

Inside isn't terrifying in the way that [REC]/Quarantine is (and I personally think [REC] was better), but it has some very dark themes, and it's veryviolent. Inside is just more of a fun ride. There's nothing supernatural about it, it's almost more of a thriller than a horror flick.

Deadgirl is much more frightening, and although a bit cliche in some instances, it really brings a lot to the table as far as being innovative goes.

I forgot who but I knew someone was a film major on here, was it GSDOUBLEU?
I see what you're saying. I feel like you have to be open-minded when it comes to movies because you stand to miss out on a lot of great flicks. I'llsee Saw, then decide to re-watch A Lot Like Love or Serendipity, then go see Law Abiding Citizen, and then talk myself out of watching Paranormal Activity.
I forgot who but I knew someone was a film major on here, was it GSDOUBLEU?

Nah, can't be him. Dude is barely passing high school.
soo uhh...gais.....i totally forgot i have to stay late on the 21st. So its gonna look more like 6:45pm - w/e

i sew sawwiee. If we do a money league i'll even throw in an extra buck
Serendipity, I love that movie,
, Cusack, one of Jeremy Piven's first starring roles, and that beaut Kate Beckinsale.

I hear Paranormal Activity is very chilling, that's one that'll keep you awake.
So, I won't be able to make the draft, so I'll be willing to give up my spot to someone if they want it.

It really kind of kills the experience if I can't make it to draft. I'll be in lab from 5-8 on that day, so I can't really get out.

Drag Me to Hell is very "Evil Dead 2," If that's your cup of tea. I dug it, but it's not for everyone. My girlfriend thought it was ******ed,while she enjoyed Zombieland.
yeah, im also willing to give up my spot since i won't be able to make it around that time.

sooo if anyones interested...let me know.
Originally Posted by What up

Is anyone still excited about the Saw movies? I really like the concept but after 5, I'd think it would be okay to stop ...
I have Saw 1 DVD in front of me and I have yet to watch it. Maybe I will watch it tomorrow after my midterm. I'm chicken **** when it comes toscary movies...
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Serendipity, I love that movie,
, Cusack, one of Jeremy Piven's first starring roles, and that beaut Kate Beckinsale.

I hear Paranormal Activity is very chilling, that's one that'll keep you awake.
Kate Beckinsale *drools*
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