The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Originally Posted by MR J 858


Dude took the time to give his personal review of a game that's what 3 or more years older.

do people still not marvel and give their own take on the pyramids, the mona lisa, and other great triumphs of this world?  i think they do.  but wait according to you they shouldnt't....those things have all been around longer than 3 years 

anyways moving on....

chris i hear ya man.  i really is glitchy........but it's actually in part because of the glitches and shortcommings of the game that i admire it all the more. these imperfections wouldve crippled other games but because of all this game does right i can easily overlook said shortcomings.  for me i play the game of the year edition.  its frozen on me before no doubt but 90% of the time its runnin smooth on my ps3....

moreoever, my review is not just focused on the ps3 version but on the game in general.  ie- i know people prefer a game like this on PC where many of the glitches are a non factor.  also, the graphics and draw in distance on the pc must be amazing  
eek.gif for being objective and rational i thought i was 
  im objective and have given other games a chance.  its just none of them capture my imagination the way this game does.

i believe weve covered all the bases here....good day sirs.
I mean, its your opinion, you don't need to change it for anyone. 
That said, it's not the consensus opinion, so alot will disagree. It's not like it is a small indy game you need to change people's opinions about in order to see more games from them. Fallout series is universally praised, so we will see those games for years to come I am sure.
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Kinda nerdy. I wrote my ten page single-spaced case study on PlayStation Network. Did my 15 min presentation on it last Thurs and received 100/100. Killed it

Let me just say that PSN has come a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng way and PlayStation Plus is

What class was this for? I did something similiar for Jordans in a marketing class in college. I was 5 percent away from a perfect due to my 15 minute presentation taking over an hour. 
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Kinda nerdy. I wrote my ten page single-spaced case study on PlayStation Network. Did my 15 min presentation on it last Thurs and received 100/100. Killed it

Let me just say that PSN has come a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng way and PlayStation Plus is

What class was this for? I did something similiar for Jordans in a marketing class in college. I was 5 percent away from a perfect due to my 15 minute presentation taking over an hour. 

Business writing.

Oh? You took an hour and it supposed to be 15 mins? 
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Originally Posted by jrp44

Dude compared Fallout 3 to the Great Pyramids 
laugh.gif the whole review then ull see i compared it as such because it's all in relation to artistic vision....
Mr J, first off ur weasel avy is horrendous....get that rat outta here

second J those emoticons are being pretty sexual........u tense much? 

HES SEEN THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who cares if the pats lose tonight.....

VINTAGE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
of course the pats woudnt lose tonight

u know why? cuz boston sports are greater than ur state
now i know what some of u may be thinkin.....OH this ni$%^& just a tom foolery %^&*.....

i will ether u.
Originally Posted by OmarsOK


HES SEEN THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who cares if the pats lose tonight.....

VINTAGE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have fun in Banned camp.

Dude probably has applied for like 3 more NT accounts.

What a tool.
LOL sorry i just deaded deadsetace i had to come back for moar.......

chris u already know what it is...

mr j?? u are truly lost.
LOL sorry i just deaded deadsetace i had to come back for moar.......

chris u already know what it is...

mr j?? u are truly lost.
I mean, you saying MGS is garbage means nothing to me.

Everybody that plays video games knows that MGS is one of the greatest series of all time.

Yes, even your delusional self.
I mean, you saying MGS is garbage means nothing to me.

Everybody that plays video games knows that MGS is one of the greatest series of all time.

Yes, even your delusional self.
Tell me how Fall Out has more bugs than Ninjahood's apartment, though.
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