The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3


forgotten exotica

we are all mad here :wink:
Went through some old photos, found some that I took when I did my first model shoot as a second shooter. Also happened to be completely shot in 35mm, with the Canon AE-1 and FD 50mm 1.8 with Kodak 400. Images are completely raw and unedited.






[COLOR=#red]^^^Gosh I love film. I mean yeah it's a digital age now but there's something about the depth and warmth of plain film. And that's one of the reasons why I tend to lean towards less post work and more in the camera work because I started off with film. But the convenience and instant gratitude of digital cannot be beat. Plus back in the days you could only take freaky photos with a Polaroid if you didn't have your own darkroom setup....nobody was taking that crap to get developed.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]^^^Gosh I love film. I mean yeah it's a digital age now but there's something about the depth and warmth of plain film. And that's one of the reasons why I tend to lean towards less post work and more in the camera work because I started off with film. But the convenience and instant gratitude of digital cannot be beat. Plus back in the days you could only take freaky photos with a Polaroid if you didn't have your own darkroom setup....nobody was taking that crap to get developed.[/COLOR]
Lol! Yeah man, I started photography my junior year of high school, as a hobby. Didn't have money for a digital camera just yet, and refused to take a point and shoot. So I found my dad's old camera and learned from there. I loved it. Shooting in manual, rolling film in and out, going to the store to buy film, and get it developed. Film is just beautiful. Which is also why I don't really edit my photos too much, because I prefer everything looking normal. And yeah, film is just the way to go when learning, glad I started like that.
I have a Canon 10-22mm Super Wide Angle lens that I'm going to sell. Would $460 be a good price for it?
Visited the same area three days in a row...

It's pretty interesting... You're walking around and you're in the heart of poverty, surrounded by homeless people. You walk up a block, nothing but a bunch of hipsters drinking coffee being cultured and sophisticated.

From today, Monday.
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Any DC area heads want to meet up for shooting at some point? I'm gonna try to take shots of the monument and memorials

I'm in Baltimore. Been meaning to get to DC and shoot some time.
Cool. Hit me whenever you're in the area. Don't frequent Bmore anymore since I graduated school, but I'm there from time to time. Was at graffiti alley a while back to take shots.
Good Stuff everyone, From yesterday...

Central Park by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Central Park by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Central Park by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Random by imhigh2often, on Flickr

The Struggle by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Random by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Lincoln Center by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Lincoln Center by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Lincoln Center by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Lincoln Center by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Columbus Circle by imhigh2often, on Flickr

Random by imhigh2often, on Flickr
I agree, Fongstarr. Doing couples photography is a bit awkward at first because you're guiding and directing them into a romantic/creative frame. It definitely takes getting used to. I totally felt out of my element for my first couples gig haha.

IMG_2261 by J.Spookz, on Flickr

IMG_2527 by J.Spookz, on Flickr

Playing with high f/stops. I'm so used to shooting shallow that i forget to use high f/stops when permitted.
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IMHO this is a beautiful picture! 

What's up fellows. I've been a follower of this thread, on the low, for a minute. Recently, I started a street style blog. I shoot with a D5100, 35mm f/1.8 and a wide angle, but I'm planning on moving on to a D8000. I'm a Nikon guy, as it is the camera my dad uses, lol. The 5100 is cool and all, but I'm not getting the "pop" that I want in my pics. At first, I didn't want to edit my photos, but now, after looking at other blogs and photos, I think I need to. So, I plan to shoot in RAW and edit with either Aperture or Lightroom. So, that's my question, which software is preferable? All I want to do is basic editing to similar pics that you see in my blog already.

Feel free to critique the pics. Mind you, prior to 2 months ago, I never used a camera in my life. Had no idea what aperture, shutter speed or ISO were. Some say I have a decent eye, but I hope to improve. Also, none of the pics are edited in any way, not even cropped. Any advice, ideas or critique is much appreciated. Some of the pics in here make me feel so inept, it's not even funny. You guys are pretty damn good.


Bookmarked your Blog. Sick concept.

Check out adobe Lightroom 4. It's so streamline and affordable. If you need heavy duty editing then adobe photoshop is the way to go as it is a beast, an expensive beast. Just continue doing what you're doing. All of us artist are trying to find a style that defines us lol.
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Thanks for the positive comments guys. There's always a bunch of good stuff on this thread.

Three more from around the city today:

TransAmerica Pyramid from Broadway

Eddy Street

The Struggle Is Real

Having real focus issues with my sigma 10-20mm :\

Anyone else on here had experience with this lens?
This thread is on fire today, really nice pics all around.
Trhee have you tried back button focusing? Cured all my focus problems.
Looking to get a wide angle lens, i want that nikkor 14-24 but my pockets don't agree plus the change in FL wont give me the 14mm wide angle i want, would anyone suggest getting the 14-24 fx instead of buying a dx equivalent wide angle?
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