The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

I'd agree. The original shot needs to be able to hold water (So to speak). I was referring to minor corrections like the ones you mentioned.

Self taught?

Also, do you guys use PS and LR to create watermarks? 

im primarily self taught but did go to school to perfect my skill. and i use photoshop for my watermarks.

more shots



Genuinely love the fact that more and more people are getting into photography. Everyday, I learn more and more just from reading all the questions and answers that are posted on this thread. Great stuff as usual.

Some from today:

How do you achieve this effect. I have been trying to figure out for a while?
Genuinely love the fact that more and more people are getting into photography. Everyday, I learn more and more just from reading all the questions and answers that are posted on this thread. Great stuff as usual.

Some from today:

How do you achieve this effect. I have been trying to figure out for a while?

I'm pretty sure she had to lay down on the bed to get that effect. Those jeans were too tight to button standing up.
Thanks for the input on the beach photos yal. After unboxing my camera today I have a lotttttt to learn. Hoping the weather breaks soon so I can get out and practice.
Nice Stuff guys!

These two are from this past weekend. I was a little drunk and didn't notice that my level was off. It's the State Capital Building in Austin from about 8 blocks SouthWest on top of a parking garage 

They aren't the best but I'm still learning and getting used to things. 

Before We Went out that night. Playing with some in camera filter settings...

Coworker's Desk...
Loving the camera so far. ISO, Aperture, and shutter speed are all a challenge for me so far, but I'm learning a bit everyday.

How do you guys post pics with the shortened Flickr links?
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Loving the camera so far. ISO, Aperture, and shutter speed are all a challenge for me so far, but I'm learning a bit everyday.

How do you guys post pics with the shortened Flickr links?

Above your pic on Flickr there's a little tab that says share. Just grab the BBcode and paste it in.
Yerrr what's good, NT. so at work, a tenant was just throwing this stuff away. A whole bunch of film (unopened) and this camera. Not sure if it works but how much is it worth? DM me if anyone is interested.
^^If it works, I would take it and use it.. Shoot with it in the rain and other harsh conditions until it it dies.. If its broke, its gotta be worth something to somebody. Its hard to tell what it is. Did you get a picture of the type of body it is?
^^If it works, I would take it and use it.. Shoot with it in the rain and other harsh conditions until it it dies.. If its broke, its gotta be worth something to somebody. Its hard to tell what it is. Did you get a picture of the type of body it is?

I left it at work. I'm going to take more pics and see if it actually works when I go back. I'm already getting offers on the camera. I know nothing about cameras so I don't want to get beat in the head.
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