***The OFFICIAL Nike Zoom LeBron V Post***


But the Fruity Pebbles and Dunkman Releases were canceled because they were detracting from the business. The General Release at Retail. Not the case with theVs. They are doing pretty good at Retail.

Downyboy you want my Pebbles?
Hot damn....

Originally Posted by RockDeep


But the Fruity Pebbles and Dunkman Releases were canceled because they were detracting from the business. The General Release at Retail. Not the case with the Vs. They are doing pretty good at Retail.

Downyboy you want my Pebbles?

Rock is that THE REAL reason? You sure you didn't forget anything?
Originally Posted by RockDeep


But the Fruity Pebbles and Dunkman Releases were canceled because they were detracting from the business. The General Release at Retail. Not the case with the Vs. They are doing pretty good at Retail.

Downyboy you want my Pebbles?

Rock- I know we're both size 11. So yes I would like your pebbles if you're offering.
Originally Posted by kaczalas

Originally Posted by RockDeep


But the Fruity Pebbles and Dunkman Releases were canceled because they were detracting from the business. The General Release at Retail. Not the case with the Vs. They are doing pretty good at Retail.

Downyboy you want my Pebbles?

Rock is that THE REAL reason? You sure you didn't forget anything?
um..... No Big G... There's REALLY a Conspiracy behind it all. Why don't you tell everyone what the REAL reason the Pebbles didn't realease. I forgot you are on the inside here and have all the REAL info....

I GOTTA hear this.
the more I look at these, the more I like them, due undoubtedly to that lime sole. The more I look at them, the more certain I am that I'll buy themif/when they hit the states. I'll alter them of course, but at least I'll keep my streak of LBJ product alive. I was this close to not owning anyV's.
^ Calm down RockDeep. Unlike some people I don't put sarcasm in my every word.

I was just asking. Wanted to hear you give your word for it. There's no conspiracy for sure, just a mishap.

Of course I've heard of another "reason". I just thought you know more about all this since you were involved in some way.

But what do I know... I get my info "based off factory stuff ", right?

Anyway if you will confirm what you wrote I believe you.
Are the GR Dunkman colorways going to the Niketowns? I like them better than the b-days and am considering trading in my b-days for them...

On another note, I'm still amazed all this static between Rock and Kaczalas...
I think these dunkman GR's and the birthday shoes were pretty uninspired and trying to take advantage of, quite honestly, nasty color combinations that noone would really like if they didnt have a logo associated with them in the first place.

The first birthdays were sweet, all black and premium leather. the second b-day package was nice too, with a nice sweet brown suede with gold accents and ashirt + belt to match, even last years HWC inspired colorway with the bag wasnt bad (but definately a step down)

I will give nike credit for putting out a general release shoe in a neon colorway that isnt a AM'95. Very gutsy. I'm anxious to see the reception atretail.
^^It's pure entertainment man.

Greg "thinks" he is the know all be all with anything that has to do with Lebron. His site is great and is full of information but let's notfool anyone.... the guy is from freaking Poland! I'm from Lebron's hometown and actually collect Lebron PE's and I never talk the way Greg does. Greg, sometimes you come across real hard. I know you mean well but ease up bro.

Rock.... well, Rock is Rock. The people that know know and the people that don't.... there is a reason for that.

Can we all just get along and collect Lebrons?
I think these dunkman GR's and the birthday shoes were pretty uninspired and trying to take advantage of, quite honestly, nasty color combinations that no one would really like if they didnt have a logo associated with them in the first place.
The original colorway of the Dunkman IIs and IIIs (dark gray/white/neon green) is not too far off from the colorway of one of Nike's hottestshoes ever: neon AM95s.

I definitely think the dark gray/white/lime colorway would sell if they kept with it. They went light on the IVs, and now with the GR Dunkman Vs. I haven'tseen any limited Dunkman Vs, but I'm more than positive that there will be a limited pair that's a little different than the GR.
Yeah the neon AM'95 could definitely be a top 5 shoe of all time.

I agree with you, I don't like the light grey at all and I can almost guarantee that one of the reasons why there isn't as much hype or demand for thedunkman IV as there is for the II or III.
It all comes down to execution.

That said, I cant wait to see the Dunkman V. I hope its real special.
Originally Posted by si3n4

On another note, I'm still amazed all this static between Rock and Kaczalas...

No static. Kaczalas makes me wonder why I would confirm what I already wrote..... Weird but hey we all have our quirks....

Im a fun lovin dude....
^^It's pure entertainment man.
At least we're all having fun, LOL.
Greg "thinks" he is the know all be all with anything that has to do with Lebron. His site is great and is full of information but let's not fool anyone.... the guy is from freaking Poland! I'm from Lebron's hometown and actually collect Lebron PE's and I never talk the way Greg does. Greg, sometimes you come across real hard. I know you mean well but ease up bro.
Say all you want but I am not the one giving only hints. Rock is great with all his info, always have been. But I can't read anymore all those"I can't say more cause I'm gonna loose my job" BS. It's like that since forever so I doubt he's really afraid about his job.It's his style, he enjoys it, okay let it be. Maybe I am the only bothered by this. However, when I have some info, again SOME, LITTLE info as I don'tknow everything and as Kevin said I am not in the know, I can still speak freely. But I guess that doesn't earn me any respect. That's fine too.

BTW that stuff about Poland is not cool. It makes things so MUCH HARDER and I don't need additional beef about thatcause it doesn't mean anything. Think this way. No one in the states cared enough to do the stuff I do. Simple as that.
I think I am coming real hard sometimes but like you said I meant well, I have no personal gain in all this. I just write what I know.

I have to remember who was that dude who dropped all the HS Soldiers info, Mr Basketball package pics dates, prices, times and Yankees too. I guess no onebenefited from this. Now how would I know all that? Factory info? HoH manager? Are those your best guesses? Think again, or better don't.

And now as for the Yankees... yeah the big hit. I don't write about stuff I don't have any idea about. Why would I? I stick to the things I know.That's why when I got info about the Yankees being HoH exclusive release I posted it. So far all the info was right on point, maybe not this time. Timewill tell. Rock says otherwise that's cool. Instead of arguing I focused on finding out more... and actually I really hope Rock is right on this. We allare I guess.

No static. Kaczalas makes me wonder why I would confirm what I already wrote..... Weird but hey we all have our quirks....
I just wanted your word. That's all. Thanks.

As fun as this is I need to attend more important stuff, after my review got stolen I just found out that osneaker.com is cutting tags out of pics.Kenlu's, mine's, everybody's. What's up with the world?! SMH

Originally Posted by RockDeep

Originally Posted by si3n4

On another note, I'm still amazed all this static between Rock and Kaczalas...

No static. Kaczalas makes me wonder why I would confirm what I already wrote..... Weird but hey we all have our quirks....

Im a fun lovin dude....

Lets get back to the matter at hand...those size pebbles you offered up....
Originally Posted by kaczalas

But I can't read anymore all those "I can't say more cause I'm gonna loose my job" BS. It's like that since forever so I doubt he's really afraid about his job. It's his style, he enjoys it, okay let it be.

I have to remember who was that dude who dropped all the HS Soldiers info, Mr Basketball package pics dates, prices, times and Yankees too. I guess no one benefited from this.

I just wanted your word. That's all. Thanks.

Um... I believe Ru and Bkals & Horace were the first ones to release pics of the Mr. Basketball's formerly referred to as The Tributes orNYC's...not you or your site G... why would you take credit for that?

Why do I have to give YOU my word. Do you think when I type something it to MESS with NT? you must be crazy. I have been posting forever....but I have onlyworked here since October. That HARDLY constitutes forever my man.

Respect isn't somethin I am lookin for. I only want to share info that is possible. When I didn't work here, I could wrecklessly post whatever Iwanted as long as my information was good and accurate. When it wasn't or it had changed, I reflected it quickly.

When you post something Greg most times many of us know about it, but can't post it BECAUSE OUR JOBS DO MATTER. Maybe you should take what Kev said toheart like I mentioned before. Don't be such a known know it all. You come off this way sooo much here. I used to think you were cool and I know you meanwell with your site, but you can't expect respect when you challenge EVERYTHING EVERYONE says ALL the time because you run a Lebron Site.

You might actually be a prime source of info, if you were the one with ORIGINAL info. Just like everyone goes to Kenlu.net to get info that is real and vitaland Bib10 posts good stuff ALL the time, people say they know that stuff is posted post mortem on your site.

Be original and come first with info on a humble basis and your site will be what you want it to be. But lose that all mighty attitude my man. It doesn'tgo far. I don't know it all and don't act like it cause it aint that serious. My BS job to you means alot to me and more than your website...and Ibet you'd trade places with me in a Poland minute if you could too... so don't discount what I release as info as BS just cause YOU don't likeit...

[Mr. Mackey]mmmkay?[Mr. Mackey]

Be Easy...
Of course I didn't post the pics of the shoes before Ru, Bkals and Horace. I would never get them first than those guys.
I even remember how it went. Ru posted a teaser than Horace followed with plenty of detailed pics, which was kind of big deal cause everybody though theyshould be kept under wraps at that point. I remember it all

I think you misunderstood me. I was only the first to release the information about the ACTUAL release, packaging (youbolded it yourself), prices and time frames. No more than that.

Also, I didn't mean your job is BS... I only meant that sometimes your teasing is just too much to take. Of course I would trade places anyday, but I amalso happy with my situation. I really appreciate everything and try to learn from all this!

I guess it's good than you know everything before me, but I guess it's also good that if you can't talk about it freely sometimes I can.

And give me a little break on the ORIGINAL info. Over the time I posted plenty exclusive stuff. I'm getting there. Don't take that away from me causeit's really hard to do this.

BTW remember that NikeTalk might not be my readers but there are thousands out there who seek info daily!

Be easy yourself. I will play nicely.
So....Who is gonna do the honors of posting pics of the REAL dunkmans? Ru? Bkals? lol...I know one of yall got them...
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Wait for it..... Wait For it... WAIT FOR IT.....
Yankees low-top ZLV for the All-Star Game. Probably White/Navy to contrast the Navy/White Highs.
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