The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

just finished watching Season 1-4 of Breaking Bad! that last episode of Season 4 was :wow:

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Man put on Warrior just as somethin to watch while I eat and before I head out. Ended up watchin the whole damn thing. Easily one of the best movies I've seen lately
Identity is a GREAT movie!! I recommend it to anyone looking for a good thriller.

I finally watched the Art Of Flight. They have the making of miniseries which I watched first. Both are worth checking out.
Someone recommend me some good documentaries. I watched Craigslist joe yesterday and thought it was great.
Someone recommend me some good documentaries. I watched Craigslist joe yesterday and thought it was great.
Queen of Versailles 

Jiro Dreams of Sushi



anything by Ken Burns


Woody Allen a Documentary
The IT Crowd if your into British comedy. It's a pretty funny series.

My girl put me on that last week and I just couldn't get into it at all....she thought it was hysterical tho and it has really good reviews so maybe its just not my thing :lol: loved the Inbetweeners (British version) though
I just watched all 7 seasons of How I met your mother...pretty funny actually. A little bit chick flickish but regardless if you have watched everything why not!
Finished both seasons of the BBC series Sherlock and I'm hooked. Each season has only 3 episodes roughly 90 min. So it's like a short movie.
Things I recently watched on streaming

Killer Elite
Battle Royale
Rare Imports (watched on Christmas eve :lol: )
Christmas Vacation
Party Monster ( it's a movie about two homosexual men, no sex scenes tho... a movie about the 'Club Kids' scene in NY during the late 80s, early 90s)
Sleepwalk with me (funny as ****)
Code Breakers (British TV show)

Idk if you guys have hulu as well, but check out this show "Love/Hate". It's a show about an Irish crime "family" . Only four eps in the first season but compelling stuff, sucks you in.
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