The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

hey guys, I recently got a new laptop (an hp) and downloaded itunes on it.

but it doesn't recognize either my iphone or ipad when i plug it in.

I made sure the drivers were up to date, and reinstalled itunes.....

any ideas??
Have you tried your other USB ports?

I ask, because my Dad's PC only had one USB port that recognized his iPhone plugged in. It was weird.
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Anyone have any recommendations or info on deals for NAS or cloud drives? Looking to have one for the house for all my devices to connect to, etc.
Anyone have any recommendations or info on deals for NAS or cloud drives? Looking to have one for the house for all my devices to connect to, etc.

Was literally looking into this. I use plex, so was looking for one that transcodes as well. QNAP seemed to have good ones. I am still doing research. Looking into possibly building a Linux based one. But I like the NAS setups where I can just plug in drives and it looks clean.

Edit: Too add to this. My wife is looking to get some hands on experience with OSX for future work purposes. I want to get her a laptop for her Bday.

Would you guys recommend a Macbook, Macbook Air, or Macbook pro w/o touchbar? She doesn't need the fastest joint, but something that'll run software like excel, or online or work based databases. So beyond browsing, watching videos, email, etc., it doesn't need to be a power house, but it does need to run OSX. Thanks ahead of time!
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I had my first glitch with the touchbar yesterday while using the messages app. The emojis that are supposed to be displayed across the touchbar were being displayed across my monitor instead. I tried closing messages thinking the emojis would disappear off of my screen, nope! They just moved from the top part of my screen to right in the middle. It wasn't like I could click them either, they were kinda like superimposed on the monitor screen. I restarted the computer and they were gone. Haven't had a problem since [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128526[/emoji]
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Why is that? i have a 2011 early macbook pro and it runs perfect after replacing the battery upgrading the ram and ssd... i got mines on amazon day for a price match with staples for 150 for a 960gb sandisk ssd
I had my first glitch with the touchbar yesterday while using the messages app. The emojis that are supposed to be displayed across the touchbar were being displayed across my monitor instead. I tried closing messages thinking the emojis would disappear off of my screen, nope! They just moved from the top part of my screen to right in the middle. It wasn't like I could click them either, they were kinda like superimposed on the monitor screen. I restarted the computer and they were gone. Haven't had a problem since [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128526[/emoji]
That sucks.

How do you like the touchbar though? Seems like a neat thing to use...But I couldn't justify the price of one.
What do you mean obsolete? As in Apple will no longer make repairs to it. Or you won't be able to install the latest Mac OS on it?
How many of you guys are running Sierra? I'm still using El Capitan and see no need to update right now but I do wanna here Siri's luxurious voice on my mac so may update tonight. Any bugs you've witnessed?
I don't even know what I'm running. I think I'm on Yosemite. If not that then Maverick. This is a late 2008 MBP, so I wouldn't even be able install Sierra.

Not anything to stress about. Most new features from what I've seen really just help with Mac OS and iOS intergration. As long as my installed software works I'm good.
I'm on Sierra but I dont use Siri on my iPhone, iPad Pro or iMac 

My new 4k monitor gets delivered today 
How many of you guys are running Sierra? I'm still using El Capitan and see no need to update right now but I do wanna here Siri's luxurious voice on my mac so may update tonight. Any bugs you've witnessed?
Keep el capitan, sierra glitches at times when i run excel or word
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