The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Yeh, I'm not big on DLing music, I'm just looking for a couple singles.

Also, I just bought a new MBP about a week ago and I went to pick it up (while it was on) and noticed a small click noise, is this normal or should I be concerned? It sounds like its coming from the lower right side of the machine and it only happens when its turned on...
Happened to me a couple of weeks ago but it stopped doing it, don't know what it is though.
the days are getting closer to me getting a mac..should be getting my tax refund by or on the 6th..can't wait

i got a question for the mac people though..i've been going on and seeing the refurbished macs..a few days ago they had a bunch of cheapones..ones in the 800-900 range..but is it worth to just go ahead and get one of the more expensive ones that are 1000+ or should i just wait till they putsome cheaper ones back up?
Nice program to hide certain "things" from unwanted viewers...

Secure Folder Protection.
Until now it has been surprisingly difficult to simply protect a single folder on Mac OS X. In fact it hasn't really been possible. Now, Espionage is here to solve that problem for good.

Unobtrusive, intuitive, and simple to use. Espionage is designed to integrate with Apple's Finder seamlessly, so that you can protect only the data that you want protected, and without having to resort to any special "vaults".

* Protect Individual Folders
No longer is it necessary to encrypt your entire home folder just to protect your email or your chat history. Espionage can protect individual folders, allowing you to easily secure sensitive data for applications like Mail, iChat, and Adium without the penalties of encrypting too much.

* AES-128+256 Bit Encryption
Espionage uses the same powerful encryption used by Apple's FileVault. It can encrypt folders with either AES-128 bit or AES-256 bit encryption. Even the National Security Agency (NSA) has stated that it can be used to protect TOP SECRET classified information.

* Seamless Finder Integration
Espionage provides you with a simple to use interface to configure your protected folders and then gets out of the way. Once a folder is protected, simply double-click on it in the Finder and enter your password at the prompt to unlock it. To lock the folder, just right-click on it and choose "Lock" from the menu. It's that easy.

* Growl Support
Espionage has Growl support for those who use it, and for those who don't it has built-in, customizable, Growl-like notifications. These notifications let Espionage alert you to what it's doing while staying in the background, out of your way. And for those who need complete serenity, turning off unimportant notifications is as simple as clicking a checkbox.

* Encryption-less Protection
Espionage can securely protect important data through encryption. But it can also insecurely guard unimportant data. For example, you might have a collection of videos that you don't want your grandma to have access to but don't care enough about to encrypt. Espionage can put a password on that folder in a flash without touching its contents.

* Spotlight Integration
When a folder is locked, you don't want its contents coming up in Spotlight queries, but you do want to be able to search inside of unlocked folders. Espionage has complete Spotlight integration, for both encrypted and non-encrypted password protected folders. This enables Espionage to work seamlessly with other applications like Mail.

More Info:
No changes from last time I posted this in... whatever thread it was.


Still need a gif program though, I need to make some avys.
Originally Posted by Da Doc03

Nice program to hide certain "things" from unwanted viewers...

Secure Folder Protection.
Until now it has been surprisingly difficult to simply protect a single folder on Mac OS X. In fact it hasn't really been possible. Now, Espionage is here to solve that problem for good.

Unobtrusive, intuitive, and simple to use. Espionage is designed to integrate with Apple's Finder seamlessly, so that you can protect only the data that you want protected, and without having to resort to any special "vaults".

* Protect Individual Folders
No longer is it necessary to encrypt your entire home folder just to protect your email or your chat history. Espionage can protect individual folders, allowing you to easily secure sensitive data for applications like Mail, iChat, and Adium without the penalties of encrypting too much.

* AES-128+256 Bit Encryption
Espionage uses the same powerful encryption used by Apple's FileVault. It can encrypt folders with either AES-128 bit or AES-256 bit encryption. Even the National Security Agency (NSA) has stated that it can be used to protect TOP SECRET classified information.

* Seamless Finder Integration
Espionage provides you with a simple to use interface to configure your protected folders and then gets out of the way. Once a folder is protected, simply double-click on it in the Finder and enter your password at the prompt to unlock it. To lock the folder, just right-click on it and choose "Lock" from the menu. It's that easy.

* Growl Support
Espionage has Growl support for those who use it, and for those who don't it has built-in, customizable, Growl-like notifications. These notifications let Espionage alert you to what it's doing while staying in the background, out of your way. And for those who need complete serenity, turning off unimportant notifications is as simple as clicking a checkbox.

* Encryption-less Protection
Espionage can securely protect important data through encryption. But it can also insecurely guard unimportant data. For example, you might have a collection of videos that you don't want your grandma to have access to but don't care enough about to encrypt. Espionage can put a password on that folder in a flash without touching its contents.

* Spotlight Integration
When a folder is locked, you don't want its contents coming up in Spotlight queries, but you do want to be able to search inside of unlocked folders. Espionage has complete Spotlight integration, for both encrypted and non-encrypted password protected folders. This enables Espionage to work seamlessly with other applications like Mail.

More Info:
This looks nice. But can't you just use disk utility to create a disk image and then password protect that and drag in any personal foldersthat way?
Originally Posted by Backirvine

This looks nice. But can't you just use disk utility to create a disk image and then password protect that and drag in any personal folders that way?
if you wanna do it that way..... just another option ya dig
Originally Posted by jmedora

Can someone that's using CandyBar or another program PM me?
i really suggest you guys play with it for awhile first...i was the same and it just took a few mins to get the hang of it
Originally Posted by CWrite78

drag the icon into your applications folder. after that, just delete the dmg file and w/e other files you wont need. since the app is in the app folder you wont need the rest. your problemw as that you were booting the app from the installer and not from your computer.

so basically, when you open the .dmg file, once you see your icon/folder drag.. open finder and drag the app icon into the applications folder and it'll copy/install the app into the computer. after that, u can delete the .dmg as i stated before.
When I drag that rectangular like Icon (has a small cd insert on the icon) with the application name into the "Applications" section itcreates a shortcut.
Originally Posted by bilbo07

i cant set up my email to go to my mail icon any help?

so you are trying to change your mail icon?? first remove it from the dock....... then change the icon.... then add it to the dock... let me know if thatworks..... if not... i will make a video for you
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by CWrite78

drag the icon into your applications folder. after that, just delete the dmg file and w/e other files you wont need. since the app is in the app folder you wont need the rest. your problemw as that you were booting the app from the installer and not from your computer.

so basically, when you open the .dmg file, once you see your icon/folder drag.. open finder and drag the app icon into the applications folder and it'll copy/install the app into the computer. after that, u can delete the .dmg as i stated before.
When I drag that rectangular like Icon (has a small cd insert on the icon) with the application name into the "Applications" section it creates a shortcut.

okay let me get this straight. you download a .dmg file, you open it and you get a folder with an icon right? or is it something else? because if it's whatim saying, all you have to do is grab the icon from that folder and drag it onto your applications folder and it should copy it. if that doesn't work, andif you're running leopard, we can do a screen share and you can show me what you mean
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by CWrite78

drag the icon into your applications folder. after that, just delete the dmg file and w/e other files you wont need. since the app is in the app folder you wont need the rest. your problemw as that you were booting the app from the installer and not from your computer.

so basically, when you open the .dmg file, once you see your icon/folder drag.. open finder and drag the app icon into the applications folder and it'll copy/install the app into the computer. after that, u can delete the .dmg as i stated before.
When I drag that rectangular like Icon (has a small cd insert on the icon) with the application name into the "Applications" section it creates a shortcut.

okay let me get this straight. you download a .dmg file, you open it and you get a folder with an icon right? or is it something else? because if it's what im saying, all you have to do is grab the icon from that folder and drag it onto your applications folder and it should copy it. if that doesn't work, and if you're running leopard, we can do a screen share and you can show me what you mean
Screen Share FTW
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