The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

I think it's time for a new battery for my 3 year old blackbook.  My battery dies about 3-4x a day.  I don't do much except play itunes and browse websites.  
I'm still running leopard on my black book, is it worth making the jump to snow leopard? Will all the apps I have run on it? Can someone help me "find" it if it's worth it?
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by Im Not You

iMac...or MBP?

MBP desktop r about to be extinct


Desktops will always have superior heat distribution, power management and customization support. You can get a bigger, better screen out of a desktop than you ould a laptop. Components are cheaper, and desktops tend to last much longer than laptops due to the lack of portability (it leaves less room for mechanical error).
Desktops aren't going anywhere

Originally Posted by quik1987

I'm still running leopard on my black book, is it worth making the jump to snow leopard? Will all the apps I have run on it? Can someone help me "find" it if it's worth it?

snow leopard is more of an incremental update. You won't see much change from Leopard, but the changes that are there are significant. You'll see an increase in your available memory and hard drive space, as well as a refined Expose/Stacks system.
All the apps you have that run on Leopard will run on Snow Leopard.
i was wondering if somewhere could lead me in the right direction. I am looking to have something where I could burn dvds I own to a hard drive. I would like to setup somewhat of a media server that I can hook up to my TV and I would like to be able to control all of it wirelessly from my macbook. I would like it to have all of my music/photos/videos and hook it up to my television. Any advice?
Originally Posted by cracka KC

you can't talk about illegal file sharing here or you'll get banned. Edit that out your post asap

For a media server, i recommend Plex. It's fully skinnable and has a system to automatically download movie art and scan your system for new titles. Check your PM inbox
A question, if I want to connect a MBP to a screen(VGA) can that only be done buy the cord, that apple sells whihch is like 30 dollars or can it be done by a simple, cheaper cable for like 5-6 dollars?
Originally Posted by nocomment6

A question, if I want to connect a MBP to a screen(VGA) can that only be done buy the cord, that apple sells whihch is like 30 dollars or can it be done by a simple, cheaper cable for like 5-6 dollars?
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Im Not You said:
iMac...or MBP?

if you don't need the portability, iMacs are better computers with better specs at a cheaper price
iMacs use laptop parts.

they are basically MBP with bigger screens, and not portable.
my new macbook pro is officially hooked up ... w/ the upgrade from my 13 in macbook ... that computer doesn't even seem like a mac compared to how i've hooked this up ...

just need to import my photos into aperture 3 ... install final cut pro ... and i'm good to go ... i'm waiting on a friend to get me cs5 ... and i'll be good to go
just got a mac book, trying to trick it out.. change the icons and such.. is candy bar worth the money?
I got my 15" MBPro i7 yesterday. 

I need help. I was able to transfer my iTunes library and playlists from my old PC, but all the files need to be located in iTunes. How can I locate all their files at once?

I'm positive there's a way because I've done it before, but I can't remember how.

Any help is appreciated. 
Can anyone who has ordered a custom Macbook Pro recently from Apple Store's website tell me how long their order took to ship and be delivered?
So all of a sudden my trackpad decides to be ******ed. It's like an lower area of the trackpad doesn't wanna something is stuck underneath it or something. I'm out of warranty so I'm assuming I have to fix it myself. Anyone else ever have this problem? Sometimes it would just go crazy and randomly click everywhere. It's funny though because a simple reboot fixes the problem for awhile & then it starts happening again. I have a 13'' MBP btw.
aight...just got a brand new 13.3 inch MacBook (for $500 
)...couple of questions
just downloaded Google it impossible for me to left click and open a new tab, or do i just have to get used to this????

even buying it second hand, can i get some type of warranty and is it worth it???

anywhere i can get Photoshop CS5 for the L O 
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