**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Thread is going in a bad direction...Lets pick it up with some solid jewel posts? Anyone have new projects in the works we can look forward too?
Originally Posted by treewing

^Why's that?

To each his own, but I find it funny when people with no sense of style have to jump on to any trend and OD on it, come to a board and act like theyrestylin' when they're not. Thats just my opinion.
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

Thread is going in a bad direction...Lets pick it up with some solid jewel posts? Anyone have new projects in the works we can look forward too?
I def. see what you're talking about.....


Originally Posted by solesavage

Originally Posted by treewing

^Why's that?

To each his own, but I find it funny when people with no sense of style have to jump on to any trend and OD on it, come to a board and act like theyre stylin' when they're not. Thats just my opinion.
Oh... Well, seeing as how you don't know her I can understand how you would make such an assumption. I too used to feel that way about otherpeople but then I figured, if it makes people happy to wear or buy the things that they do... I'm all for it. IMO there is a tasteful way to accessorizewhether you're rockin' platinum, plastic or.... cedar, lol....
Originally Posted by SupremeCity

Originally Posted by treewing

IMO there is a tasteful way to accessorize whether you're rockin' platinum, plastic or.... cedar, lol....

Why not??? Lol.... to put it into perspective this is how I see it....




.... if that makes sense, haha
those are 2 totally different beast. Thats a gn and a monte ls.. I can see if you were atleast comparing the same car. I know they are both g-bodies but underthe hood and suspension and all the nick nacks are different beast.

Im just wondering how people, me included, were clowning on lax when they found out some jesus joints were being made in silver and he clarified they could bemade in any metal but now its ok to rock silver and CZs? If it wasnt ok to rock silver with diamonds but its ok to rock silver with CZs? what kind of peanutbutter and jelly doodoo is going on here? No offense to anyone and if your ok with it its cool to me but that boggles me.

Im just wondering how people, me included, were clowning on lax when they found out some jesus joints were being made in silver and he clarified they could be made in any metal but now its ok to rock silver and CZs? If it wasnt ok to rock silver with diamonds but its ok to rock silver with CZs? what kind of peanut butter and jelly doodoo is going on here? No offense to anyone and if your ok with it its cool to me but that boggles me.
welcome to NT-
Originally Posted by loonyrobert

those are 2 totally different beast. Thats a gn and a monte ls.. I can see if you were atleast comparing the same car. I know they are both g-bodies but under the hood and suspension and all the nick nacks are different beast.

Im just wondering how people, me included, were clowning on lax when they found out some jesus joints were being made in silver and he clarified they could be made in any metal but now its ok to rock silver and CZs? If it wasnt ok to rock silver with diamonds but its ok to rock silver with CZs? what kind of peanut butter and jelly doodoo is going on here? No offense to anyone and if your ok with it its cool to me but that boggles me.


Here is the thing when I worked at the shop people would come in really wanting a nice piece for a girlfriend/self but just couldnt afford $2,000 for someDECENT in Gold and Diamonds because lets be honest that's a full months Money for most people and most dont even make that much in a full month so I wouldsuggest going another route.......

For me id say 75% of my stuff is White Gold and Moissanite that I own, I dont own 1 a single Diamond piece and the reason being, I love Jewelry! not because Iwanna floss because In 96' I had a big chain even by todays standards and people would acutely crack jokes and say how stupid it was but I liked it!!! Ididnt care.........funny now if your chain dont hang low today youve got a "starter kit" lol

Now everytime after that when I gt a new piece I would say "ok I reallllly want this but do I have the funds?" and sometimes I did to get Gold andsometimes I didnt and Got silver Gold plated and ill be honest it's hard for me to spend major amounts of money on stuff like "jewelry" because Ihave bigger things in life to pay for so alot of times i wouldnt shell out for Diamonds or even Gold because my budget back then didnt allow it, but I reallllywanted it so since I knew id never resell any of it (still never have) I would go the cheaper route

Funny how guys will talk about cz and silver like they are bad but id say 1% of people on here could afford something "REAL" and to knock on themjust seems stupid, now if they just wanna front and floss then YES because that is stupid, but if somebody really likes a piece but doessnt and would neverhave the money to get it in Gold And Diamonds then why is that bad? Ill give an example......

guys in the Import world want to get thier cars to look nice but once they realize how much the "good" stuff really cost they opt out and getsomething that look exactly how they want with out the price tag.......i.e. Volk wheels can get up in the area of 15grand for a set, but you can find manywheel company's that have sets for 700.00 that will loook just as good, why would that be bad? somebody wants thier car to look nice but doessnt have themoney.......is that a crime? I dont see you guys coppin' $45 white tee's and knock on the guy who buys pro clubs.........if you can afford the"real" thing I always say get it, but if your heart is set on something and you cant afford it why s it bad to get something quality and just not gethit with a years worth of pay
Originally Posted by loonyrobert

those are 2 totally different beast. Thats a gn and a monte ls.. I can see if you were atleast comparing the same car. I know they are both g-bodies but under the hood and suspension and all the nick nacks are different beast.
I knew someone was gonna say that, I just couldn't find a horribly tacky Grand National lol.... here


meh... I'm done, lol
To each his own, but I find it funny when people with no sense of style have to jump on to any trend and OD on it, come to a board and act like theyre stylin' when they're not. Thats just my opinion.

what ignorant statement. you don't even know me. i have been a member of this board 2003, so it's not like I just popped up.

tdot and the rest of you guys who messaged me, thank you. check your box for responses. thanks for the positivity.

Tree, thank you for showing concern for me.

God Bless.
lol damn cats is goin in on the g shock/good wood combo

i was goin on a rant but at the end of the day nah dont think i could ever mess with fake stones or jewelry it really is just a front, nobody has to havejewelry if youre gonna do it do it right.

ONHOLLOWEDGROUND pardon me brotha.
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

To each his own, but I find it funny when people with no sense of style have to jump on to any trend and OD on it, come to a board and act like theyre stylin' when they're not. Thats just my opinion.

what ignorant statement. you don't even know me. i have been a member of this board 2003, so it's not like I just popped up.

tdot and the rest of you guys who messaged me, thank you. check your box for responses. thanks for the positivity.

Tree, thank you for showing concern for me.

God Bless.

Good for you, but what does membership term have to do with my statement? My opinion is based solely on your photo. It seemed like you posted the photoexpecting e-props.
Originally Posted by solesavage

Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

To each his own, but I find it funny when people with no sense of style have to jump on to any trend and OD on it, come to a board and act like theyre stylin' when they're not. Thats just my opinion.

what ignorant statement. you don't even know me. i have been a member of this board 2003, so it's not like I just popped up.

tdot and the rest of you guys who messaged me, thank you. check your box for responses. thanks for the positivity.

Tree, thank you for showing concern for me.

God Bless.

Good for you, but what does membership term have to do with my statement? My opinion is based solely on your photo. It seemed like you posted the photo expecting e-props.

rain on his parade eh....

it is a jewelry thread let him do him
Good for you, but what does membership term have to do with my statement? My opinion is based solely on your photo. It seemed like you posted the photo expecting e-props.

oh the irony.

a lot of what niketalk is show and tell, people posting stuff they enjoy and want to share that with others who are interested in those same things. reallythat was all i was doing. same thing that is done in wdywt posts, pickup posts etc. to be honest that is what i like about nt, it is a place i can come to andpeep pictures and info of others who like the same stuff i do.

i don't expect anything from anyone. i am just contributing like everyone else. you going in on me for what? a photo of some plastic watches and a woodennecklace?

i'm not really into jewelry to begin with, so the few little things i had, i snapped a picture of. that's it and that's all.
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