**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Can anyone throw me a ballpark figure on what would be a Good Price on a 30 inch/ 4.5-5 mm/ 14k Ball Chain??

^^ I know, I was just hoping someone in here purchased something similar to give me some sort of idea.
Hey everyone I am brand new to nk but I have a been a lurker for awhile I just have one question if anyone can help. I am looking at getting a new jesus piece and I like the ben baller or lax style for these pieces but I live in Canada is there anyway to buy these pieces online somehow? Any info would help.
Any knows where I can get these for a decent price, just CZ's and silver, don't feel like dropping $700 for some earrings!
Yeah I want to splurge on something too...Someone Steve Nash me with the contact info....:nerd:

Also, anyone see Flo-Rida with the OD Jesus Piece on 106 today? :lol: :smh:

EDIT: Pic Obtained.


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real life...

at rock the bells, i met tyga. This was back when he was hot off of Lime in the coconut and got snatched for one of his chains.

He was rocking this Garfield chain and i grabbed it as we took a pic (i asked)

Literally felt like a christmas ornament

just saying
real life...
at rock the bells, i met tyga. This was back when he was hot off of Lime in the coconut and got snatched for one of his chains.
He was rocking this Garfield chain and i grabbed it as we took a pic (i asked)
Literally felt like a christmas ornament
just saying

I think it needed to be hollow in order to house the device to light up the eyes.
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