**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

i feel like a fully iced out ALL$IN piece would be so dope.
The resell on something though would be crazy lol im gone though.

The resell on the chains is nothing special. Teh has popped up before. One roc piece was in Jersey some years ago... one in queens last year. It’s similar to when I buy old nigo and Pharrell stuff... the jeweler May say oh it belonged to so and so but they will whole sale the thing all day for what it’s material value is... u just need to know or have the right person buy it on ur behalf. Every high end jewler has a gray market person. Find him and the piece u want and u get that ROC piece for far less.

When there is a new trend... like choker Cubans I don’t care what TS or roc chain is around people will buy the new trend. Because that 10,20,30k it cost to buy thy old piece can buy a new trendy piece... and that’s what people will do buy the new trendy piece

That’s why the Jesus piece I bought from tradsey I bought for so little. It’s trendy time has passed. If this was its hey day I would have flipped it for double. If I tried to sell it on here now i probably couldn’t get someone to pay 25k
The Jacob Jesus with a wreath of thorns is the GOOD Music chain IIRC. The Tito Jesus was going to be the official Junior Mafia chain according to Lil Cease. Maybe they would have switched to Jacob but we'll never know :-(
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