**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Although stainless steel does corrode, it is important to note that the alloy will not rust under ordinary atmospheric or water based environments. In other words, the corrosion of stainless steel takes place in specific aggressive conditions which are conducive for corrosion.Apr 10, 2017

copy and pasted....you going to a different planet or looking for the titanic with your stainless steel chain?

stainless steel wont rust and is stronger than gold in the bronx so wusup
dawg we dont wear jewelry for performance, we wear it for status straight up or we would all rock stainless steel / gold plated / cz

That is not an accurate comparison to the point that ninja is making.

He's saying that moissanites are a fraction of the cost of diamonds, and go even harder than diamonds, and most people can't tell the difference.

A proper comparison would be to say if there was a metal that was the same weight as gold, almost identical to gold in everyway, and there was no way for you to tell the difference on top of it costing 1/10th the price of real gold. At that point, might as well rock that material if you're trying to flex.
On a side note, someone tried to snatch a chain from me on the subway a couple weeks ago when I was riding it solo at night and I was drunk. I don't get like that often, but I was def slippin that night. It didn't come off, and I was able to secure my chain and defend myself.

I HIGHLY recommend anyone that has a decent sized chain to get a strong box clasp lock for it. The box held strong and there's no damage to it really. Also, try not to fall asleep on the train with a chain on if you dolo, and if you must, at least tuck it. Don't be a clown like me.

You'd think it doesn't matter, but having that extra few seconds to snap out of it and defend yourself counts. If it was a lobster clasp, that coward would've Usain Bolted out the station with my chain. All my chains is insured either way, but I don't subscribe to having other men take my stuff.

Not a tough guy story at all, you pull heat on me, I'll strip off all my chains and file an insurance claim. But this clown, I hit em with the Zab Judah hook and he took off. I rattled that boy's ribcage, I know he woke up limping from it, cause my hand was hurting the next morning.
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serious question, what keeps one from filing a false insurance claim on jewels?

moral reasons most of the time obviously but.........humans going to human feel me ?
stainless steel does rust, da outer oxide shields it from gettin worse.
That depends on the quality of the stainless, you are talking about the chromium layer, that has to do with chromium content in the steel itself that becomes altered with high heat.
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