**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

bring me up to speed I'm behind. 
I can't remember which page things go left for ol' dude but man oh man it gets ugly. If you have some free time read through it all so you can see the movie unfold. Supreme train wreck.



The story even made it's way to other boards





That is the page people start to call him out on where he lives, pictures of his cars , the clothes he's wearing etc


If I'm not mistaken this when he tries to come back after the initial exposure
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I can't remember which page things go left for ol' dude but man oh man it gets ugly. If you have some free time read through it all so you can see the movie unfold. Supreme train wreck.



The story even made it's way to other boards





That is the page people start to call him out on where he lives, pictures of his cars , the clothes he's wearing etc


If I'm not mistaken this when he tries to come back after the initial exposure
Long story short... he fronted to be a hedge fund manager BROKE and DESPERATE people fell for it and he scammed them into investing in his fund? 

I didn't get to the cars part, but he doesn't own any of them I'm assuming? Valet driver like Lavish?
I don't know who DUMBER people who fall for internet scams in hopes of getting rich, or someone scamming people on a forum.... eventually karma will get them.... 

speaking of scammers, wheres LAX? 
I don't know who DUMBER people who fall for internet scams in hopes of getting rich, or someone scamming people on a forum.... eventually karma will get them.... 

speaking of scammers, wheres LAX? 
I remember there was a GOLD ST CAPITAL and LAX connection too awhile back.
lol this forum never surprises me. 

anyways, got a new ring from DANIEL... picking it up this week. Will post photos soon. 
I remember there was a GOLD ST CAPITAL and LAX connection too awhile back.
There surely was.  He claims to have purchased jewelry from him.  This was around the time LAX was first accused of frauding with the consignment sale of ol boys watch.  A month later LAX comes on here talking about the wire was rejected because he had the name wrong.  

What I cant quite figure out is why would a long time poster and someone who is obviously getting to the money vouch for him this Gold St clown.  
goldensun goldensun y'all do some clean work man, I'm tryna get my bread up and cop a Jesus piece from yall

I've always been more a fan of leather bands on watches vs Metal

I don't think I ever posted this pic but here's my current setup, I'll be sending the small chain to my nephew in a couple days tho so I want to pick up another small setup with a bead chain
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^^ if you scroll to the next lot they got the Fat Joe if&co cross on there too. Wonder if it's a remake? Only seen one tho & I remember they were trying to get rid of it for some ridic price a while ago. It's only 10k tho :/

The same person bid on that piece and a few of the others.  

Dont know about the cross, but these two are If and Co Pieces. If you look back on bens original blog he said he made them for a "soldier".  Those beads with the pave diamond setting that went with this set were sold in the last auction.  


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The same person bid on that piece and a few of the others.  

Dont know about the cross, but these two are If and Co Pieces. If you look back on bens original blog he said he made them for a "soldier".  Those beads with the pave diamond setting that went with this set were sold in the last auction.  


Is it safe to say that any of the Jewelry that gets sold by the US Marshals on this site was confiscated from a drug dealer?  IDK who fatts was that If&CO made all those rose gold pieces that got sold in the last auction but that was at least 100k in jewelry.  
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