The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Win streak finally hit 200+ . . . FFA all day.
Can you equip throwing knife and tactical knife on a pistol? I haven't unlocked anything on any pistols yet, matter of fact, I haven't fired a singleshot with a pistol.
derrty6232 wrote:
Can you equip throwing knife and tactical knife on a pistol? I haven't unlocked anything on any pistols yet, matter of fact, I haven't fired a single shot with a pistol.
Yeah, throwing knife replaces your frag grenade.
Man I have been playing decently the last few days, but I've all been playing in the morning for like an hour or two and then get off.

Today I actually played again after playing in the morning, and I haven't been so livid in such a long time.

I went positive most of the time, but I had so many annoying deaths. I quit out of at least 10-15 games when some bull*%&@ happened. K/d didn't dropfrom 1.30, but I have never been so mad. Is it because better people play at day/night time?

Yes, many appropriate words were spoken at the screen while playing, you can bet on that.
Originally Posted by its Labrev

That Guy wrote:
Originally Posted by its Labrev
yo labrev I'm about to add you I need to see if you really that good.
, that last match you played with me I was doing horrible. I went 30-1 after you left though.

I was in first for a while then you ended up catching up and getting first. I was
the dude who kept yelling every time I killed him.
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

Originally Posted by doosta45

damn these headphones dont make it fair at all on ffa. i be having dudes upset. just straight waiting for them to come by and basically pick them off. they
turning me into a lowball camper

i even got dudes doing copycat stealing my class to see what im using and what not

havik ill give you my xbox headphones. pm if interested with ya addy
what about other modes like tdm or domination? do you feel like you become better with the cans?
with the other ones, i feel there are too many people running around with too much air support so theres too much bass/outside noise really cant hear the footsteps. so it basically depletes the purpose of having them on. it would be pointless to almost use them in ground war. just too many heads running around, i get distracted. dont know if its my teammates or the enemy. then i just turn the sound down and just run and gun.
The headphones came in the other day and Ive been messing with it for a couple days now and you're right. There's just too much going on.I turned off the music so only footsteps, gun shots, etc are heard. It does help, but nothing significant. Helps a lot with FFA for sure.

Man, kinda disappointed. I tested it with COD4 and its the same. COD got some wack %@! audio. Everything just seems LOUD.

The only thing I can see that would help in GW is to go solo and stay away from my teammates. Also, using ninja pro helps a lot too.

Other than that, the headphones are amazing
. For example, in FFA Ipretty much know where the enemy is coming from. I can easily anticipate where theyre coming from and basically prefire
. Amazing stuff. I do feel like I concentrate way too much on listening tofootsteps and that throws my game way off. Still gotta get use to this. I'd say its $95 well spent.

All the other BS sound that you hear kills it a bit. Some maps have these generators running loud as hell (Favela, Sub Base I think). Im all for realism, butdamn it gets distracting.
just played search wit a team of riot shields after the game they called me a "try hard" and they said they just wanna have fun. i was like "areu guys having fun?" some kid said "no u ruined it" after i went 12-1
I feel like the k/d ratio has made the game less fun for me. I have a 1.06 k/d right now, nothing to brag about.

I can't play objective games any more without worrying about my k/d's ridiculous.
I'm only at level 57 and was only playing Domination.

Switched over to Demolition and I have been whoopin on these people, it is awesome.
Tearin sh.t up with the SCAR and scavenger pro, stopping power pro, and steady aim pro.

Is it true though that I don't need extended mags on if I have the scavenger pro unlocked?
My buddy told me that last night and if true I might throw on the FMJ.
Originally Posted by snakeyes17

I'm only at level 57 and was only playing Domination.

Switched over to Demolition and I have been whoopin on these people, it is awesome.
Tearin sh.t up with the SCAR and scavenger pro, stopping power pro, and steady aim pro.

Is it true though that I don't need extended mags on if I have the scavenger pro unlocked?
My buddy told me that last night and if true I might throw on the FMJ.

I don't see the point of using extended mags especially if you have scavenger pro on. Unless it's that important to you to have a bigger clip.
Originally Posted by Wings90

Originally Posted by snakeyes17

I'm only at level 57 and was only playing Domination.

Switched over to Demolition and I have been whoopin on these people, it is awesome.
Tearin sh.t up with the SCAR and scavenger pro, stopping power pro, and steady aim pro.

Is it true though that I don't need extended mags on if I have the scavenger pro unlocked?
My buddy told me that last night and if true I might throw on the FMJ.

I don't see the point of using extended mags especially if you have scavenger pro on. Unless it's that important to you to have a bigger clip.
Well obviously Scavenger lets you get a lot of ammo throughout the map just as the basic perk.
Scavenger Pro I think says +Extra Mags.
I have found it really helpful to have the extended mags as my weapon attachment just cause if I gotta mow down a group of people and I'm trying to justspray, I don't run out incredibly fast. Just seems pointless to be using the weapon attachment if the "Pro" part of the perk does the same thing.
Or does it mean Extra Magazines compared to Longer Magazines?
ive really slowed down and stopped running around so much and am constantly going 20-10 without any killstreaks
i used to be marathon lightweight runenrand would just get murked
Originally Posted by snakeyes17

Originally Posted by Wings90

Originally Posted by snakeyes17

I'm only at level 57 and was only playing Domination.

Switched over to Demolition and I have been whoopin on these people, it is awesome.
Tearin sh.t up with the SCAR and scavenger pro, stopping power pro, and steady aim pro.

Is it true though that I don't need extended mags on if I have the scavenger pro unlocked?
My buddy told me that last night and if true I might throw on the FMJ.

I don't see the point of using extended mags especially if you have scavenger pro on. Unless it's that important to you to have a bigger clip.
Well obviously Scavenger lets you get a lot of ammo throughout the map just as the basic perk.
Scavenger Pro I think says +Extra Mags.
I have found it really helpful to have the extended mags as my weapon attachment just cause if I gotta mow down a group of people and I'm trying to just spray, I don't run out incredibly fast. Just seems pointless to be using the weapon attachment if the "Pro" part of the perk does the same thing.
Or does it mean Extra Magazines compared to Longer Magazines?
"The line is right"
gil23 good lookin out.
hmm now which would be the best attachment....FMJ? I never use FMJ it should just do more damage I would infer, but I got stopping power pro too...
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