The Official Black Mirror Thread: Season 6 on Netflix Now

Man aint nobody going thru episodes like this zooming in on blurry as background news tickers trying to piece together things, besides fanboys with nothing to do.

If it wasnt obvious or somewhat mentioned majority aint putting 2 and 2 together. And 98% of the time that background stuff is on the screen for like half a second

What value did Kirsten Dunst even add to being on screen for like 3 seconds. They really paid her for that?

I'd have to go back and rewatch all the seasons, while i like this show i can only thoroughly remeber a few episodes and everything that happened
Kristen probably wasn't paid, she was probably visiting her man, and they just threw her in there. just because she was there
So was there an episode about the Clayton dude murdering the news reporter? Or did they just make up the story for Black Museum?

1. Arkangel / Black Museum
3. Hang the DJ
4. Crocodile
5. USS Callister
6. Metalhead
Season was pretty weak considering last seasons greatness and the amount of time we had to wait for these 6 episodes. I don't even know how to rank them. Umm here goes...

1. Hang the DJ
2. Black Museum
3. USS Callister
4. Crocodile/Arkangel
6. Metalhead

Still a show worth watching but I'm not sure any episode from this season is in the top 10. Kinda sad because there are only 19 eps
I thought Season 4 was pretty weak outside of Black Museum

that Croc episode was rough to watch :sick:
Finally started Season 4. USS Callister was solid. Probably going through the rest tonight

I've watched all 4 seasons of Black Mirror and i have to say it is one of the most racially coded programmes I've ever come across.

Gus T Renegade of the Context Of White Supremacy (COWS) has done a far better and more critical analysis of the show with Dr Mark Kervokian author of Color Monitors. (search it on YouTube)

My jaw hit the floor so many times watching this series.

Effectively it's layered into the 3 distinct yet intertwined themes:

1. is the obvious critique of how technology and human nature (greed, lust, need for love , acceptance, sex, gender roles etc etc) will be intertwined in the future (already is with social media)

2. is a critique and portrayl of how the white world already operates in modern times (workplace, family structures, media, child rearing, white women vs white men, corrupt power structures/people etc etc)

3. is the most important and my observation is that it is THE main message behind this series, from its name "BLACK MIRROR' to the season finale of season 4 "BLACK MUSEUM" , all the standard white supremacist hollywood codes are strictly adhered to: people bodies being used as guinea pigs for white medical/technological advancements

b. emasculated black males in ALL aspects of life (in season 4 the black guy who marries the white women who gets hit by a car twice has to make the most important decision of his life and twice he's overruled by the women in his life)

c. black women lusting for white men and being treated as just ***** that you **** and move on from

d. the promotion of AFFLUENT/RICH/RESOURCEFUL black people having mullato kids with white people ( this is like how whites infused their genetics with the non-white people in South Africa, New Zealand, Australia , Brazil etc , eventually they encourage the light skinned mullattoes who look or can pass for white to also procreate with white people, within 3-4 generations they have not only infused their recessive genes with black ones, they also boost the population numbers of the overall white population.

Again please note that these so called interracial couples are promoted in controlled white environments and the black person is always a minority.

d. black people sacrificing their lives and overall well being to protect or save a white person's life, even white strangers for no reason whatsoever

The racist codes go on and on and on and on. The racism in Black Mirror redundant, subtle at times and ubiquitous.
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I'm waiting to watch the whole season but going off that post I guess it would be cool if the homey Peele wrote and directed an ep.
Whole season was solid and in tune with the rest. People for some reason elevated expectations in their mind like this wasn't lead in with a pig ****er episode.

you might be right about out having outsized expectations...though i'd still argue as corny as those "sillier" episodes like the one with the pig & the dude in the waldo suit were, those better executed on the ideas they were about than any episode in this season...and i thought seasons 2-3 were legit me, none of the episodes this season are as good, uss callister, crocodile, metalhead, & black museum are all fatally flawed to me and the other two are about ideas that they already did waaaay better in previous seasons (history of you & san junipero, instead of arkangel & hang the dj)
itd be dope if they did an ep where cookies, san junipero, z eyes, 15 million merits nosedive all exist somehow

like the people inside 15mm are really cookies trying to live in san junipero

meanwhile their human counterparts live in a nosedive z eyes world where people compete for the best memories or something
The only episode I wasn't feeling this season was Metalhead tbh.

Thought Hang The DJ was great.
I think "Hang The DJ" had more cool factor than it being a great episode in general.

I assumed with a show like this, it is only a matter of time before you draw blanks.
wait so is the hang the dj episode about to get the love story rub, like san juniper seems to get
So half the episodes had "happy endings". Still though, I felt like it was just ok. So is this show over since Black Museum ended the way it did?
So was there an episode about the Clayton dude murdering the news reporter? Or did they just make up the story for Black Museum?

1. Arkangel / Black Museum
3. Hang the DJ
4. Crocodile
5. USS Callister
6. Metalhead

I can't bring myself to watch uss and metalhead lol. It's like I refuse.
itd be dope if they did an ep where cookies, san junipero, z eyes, 15 million merits nosedive all exist somehow

like the people inside 15mm are really cookies trying to live in san junipero

meanwhile their human counterparts live in a nosedive z eyes world where people compete for the best memories or something

It kinda alludes to that in the Easter eggs

I haven't watched hang the DJ yet but this season did not hit like the first 3. I think favorite episode is The black Museum. (the narration by the museum owner and the individual stories) Also had a White Christmas effect)

I just got left with a "that it?" feeling after watching crocodile, metalhead, and arkangel.

USS Calister was decent.

It definitely feels like they went with female leads for the whole season.
okay, if we're working under the assumption that cops automatically equal jail, no judge no jury--which is a valid line of logic for the story--then yeah, she went down for sure.

I just wonder if the gerbil's psychic testimony would hold up in court if that isn't the case. still, for the sake of story simplicity you're probably right.

For crocodile all they need to do is have her face recognized, they put the recaller machine on her and boom, death penalty (or whatever punishment)
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