The Official Avy Help/Request Thread


just want this without the white boarders and to fit perfect as my avy. Please help a pimp

@EyeSeeSoles@EyeSeeSoles<!--bluecoat_old_onload = window.onload;window.onload = function() { if (bluecoat_old_onload != null) {try {bluecoat_old_onload();} catch (e) {}}bluecoat_fixpopups();};//-->

WIsh I was nice with the gifs I would help the rest of you guys out. Paging @Elpablo21@Elpablo21<!--bluecoat_old_onload = window.onload;window.onload = function() { if (bluecoat_old_onload != null) {try {bluecoat_old_onload();} catch (e) {}}bluecoat_fixpopups();};//--> 

thanks antidope

do you know what the actual size for picture to fit with out stretching it?

like how mine is now
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Can someone make this fit or get rid of the white bars

Can I please have this fixed with no borders and fits in my avy. Also if youd be so kind to make one with a green santa hat and one without for future purposes 
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