The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I'm going to start One Piece though. I guess it's time that I do.
So many damn chapters to get through though :x
I'm happy I personally can't wait for your One Piece Reviews like you do with Naruto and Bleach.

Son probly spent more money on those clothes than he does on his kid :smh: Sakura need to take him to court for child support.

That's probly why he still ain't return to the village. Warrants for unpaid child support. Scumbag Sasuke never gonna change brehs :smh:

I also like how the other kages had the nerve to be irritated at naruto for being late to the meeting. If it wasn't for him they wouldn't eem be sitting there. How you gonna talk down to the strongest ***** alive who saved you by putting the whole world on his back like Atlas? They got some nerve. If I was Naruto I woulda brought that **** up immediately. "Remember that time I saved the entire world? Yeah shut the **** up I'm only 30 mins late. I was a bit busy being a good father. Unlike Sasuke.....who I saved yall from. Remember? You remember."

Anko and Kurenai fell off :x

Why is Oonoki still alive? :rofl: Son passed decrepit ages ago :lol:

Reps for the laugh of the day for me.

I'm a little late had work today and couldnt get a free momen tto read.

Once again I'll say this, I'm probably (arguably) The greatest Naruto fan in here. So many years of my life and at a very important time in my life this Manga/Anime (only preTS and a few Post TS eps)
came in and completely changed me.
I'm 29 (one of the oldies in this forum) and have been watching since 17/18
A decade. I have waited week by week, month by month for each episode/chapter.

Loved every moment.
I have been obsessed with Ninjas and Japan since i was a boy of like 5-7 years old.
Power Rangers when i was 11 was the S***
3 ninjas Kick back (who remembers this movie, if you haven't seen it watch it)
Ninja Scroll just everything.

Then a manga comes out with a boy who was like me acted out but wanted greatness and to be known. comes to the scene.
I remember having a modded PS2 to play Japanese games and got my hands on Naruto Ultimate ninja 2 and 3.
Even today probably still the most logged hours game I've ever played.
(and i was a beast at MVC2)

Naruto (along with other animes) is what propelled me to get my job overseas and see the world.
and I have been truly blessed with that opportunity to live and work in Asia, Have been to Japan 3 times now. Live in Korea currently because of better money opportunity. (may grab a job in Japan next year)
All because of Anime and mainly Naruto.

I' am happy it ended and happy it ended this way. After all the Madara stuff this series had no where else to really go, so it was a good closing.

Salute Naruto and Kishi
It was the best of times it was the worst of times.

PS. Come on over to One Piece Brethern!!!!!!!
(especially you @Mugen81 time to let Bleach mad love bro)
Crazy that a fictional story born from another persons mind can have such a drastic effect on someones life. Dope story TDogg. Repped. I remember when I first found naruto around 17 ish I was like tf was I thinking Dragonball Z was the best anime ever
I used to see Naruto on TV and thought it was wack because I thought Rock Lee was the main character. Little did I know it was the greatest story ever told I will read these stories to my sons and teach them my ninja way
They finally showed my man Yamato for only one panel............and never in the chapter 700

I thought the ending was very satisfying.  I would've thought he named his kid after like jiraya or his pops, but oh well.

Seriously choji random pairing 
Dont know if it was posted or not, but the cover for OP was dope this week. All those Naruto hints, plus Naruto himself. :nerd:
Dont know if it was posted or not, but the cover for OP was dope this week. All those Naruto hints, plus Naruto himself.
Yeah and there was a secret message in the background

"As fans pointed out, the first characters on each of the menu signs in the background spell out the Japanese words, "Naruto otsukaresan de****a." The signs read: "Nasu no itame" (eggplant stir-fry), "Rukkora no sarada" (arugula salad), "Tofu," "Otsumami" (bar snacks) "Karee," (Curry) "San," (written as the character for 'three'), "Den...," "Shōyū no" (soy sauce, with the first character reading 'shi'), and "tamago" (egg).The phrase "Naruto otsukaresan de****a" is an informal way to say something along the lines of, "Naruto, good job after working so long."

And the characters of One Piece that appear in the page are NAmi, RUffy and TOny chopper = NARUTO
And no one give a **** about Jiraiya, hence him not being mentioned in the last chapter :lol:
All the feels for Jiraya came and went after his death, hence no need to bring him up in the end. They already mourned and moved on. I like your style though, trying to start something with Jiraya. :lol:
The accuracy is high here.

But when you think about it, who else would he have chose up? My ___'s options were slim at this point. Sasuke couldn't pull a Chouji and bag some random, his girl had to be a star too.
This one had me dying
Lubbock on Akame ga kill. Standing ovation for homeboy.

sitting here watching Fate/night unlimted blade works, wondering why the first Fate night even came out

soooooo much better

I do have to admit though I miss Fuji and the lolz she brings
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[quote name="leb13" url="/t/301437/the-official-anime-manga-thread-vol-the-end-of-an-era-is-here-make-sure-to-spoiler-it/16680#post_2193882]
This one had me dying


:rofl: :rofl:

Also a very likely series of events.
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New Ippo out
Looks like Takamura has another title shot. I hope it's a good fight. :lol:
Ippo is a very fast read manga wise

And yall know sasuke had a whole collection of chicks to pick from

no chick was turning down the option the be associated with this

OK it is Saturday for you people in America
The Naruto Spoiler Ban is now officially lifted.

Real talk, I have every reason to believe Shino should have/is a Special Jonin ever since the Chuunin exams when they talked about how good he was.

Them Asuma feels we talked about this before but he was still the saddest death imo. that pic brought back memories

Wasn't Kurenai really good with Genjutsu?

Shout out to the big homie Chouji .. getting him a Black woman! (or whatever race they're suppose to be)
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