The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Actually, they are pretty far into Dressrosa now. I'd say between 1/3 to 1/2 through the current arc.

In the anime they're about 33 chapters into Dressrosa. They try to remain around 30 chapters behind the manga so it'd be chapter 733 or 734 of the manga this week being animated. 

Cool, I'll jump back in once that's completely finished. Thanks.
in the end... it better be Naruto X Hinata

frack THOT Sakura
The few deaths in OP >>> the deaths In Naruto anyways. What y'all want itto be like Akame where ppl just get mowed down like nothing ? :lol:
You are wildn saying that goku had character development in DB. He's been the same character that he's been from the first episode. No depth and consistent. vegeta and piccolo had character development

You the one that's wyling. Goku went from an ignorant hick to a martial arts fanatic to leader of a group of powerful warriors to savior of the universe to mentor and teacher. He went from disobeying his master and immediately chasing after his friend's murderer with revenge in mind to actually sparing the life of another murderer and expressing no desire to kill anyone, just to test his limits and become stronger.

He went from a goofy kid with no knowledge of anything to a weathered leader and mentor. Look at how everyone deferred to him during the Android and Buu sagas. Could King Piccolo Goku have led like that? Nah.

Read the manga from chapter 1 and tell me that Goku stayed the exact same throughout besides being pure of heart, wanting to fight strong opponents and become stronger himself.
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You are wildn saying that goku had character development in DB. He's been the same character that he's been from the first episode. No depth and consistent. vegeta and piccolo had character development
You the one that's wyling. Goku went from an ignorant hick to a martial arts fanatic to leader of a group of powerful warriors to savior of the universe to mentor and teacher. He went from disobeying his master and immediately chasing after his friend's murderer with revenge in mind to actually sparing the life of another murderer and expressing no desire to kill anyone, just to test his limits and become stronger.

He went from a goofy kid with no knowledge of anything to a weathered leader and mentor. Look at how everyone deferred to him during the Android and Buu sagas. Could King Piccolo Goku have led like that? Nah.

Read the manga from chapter 1 and tell me that Goku stayed the exact same throughout besides being pure of heart, wanting to fight strong opponents and become stronger himself.
goku has never not been any of those things youve mentioned. hes always been pure of heart, always wanted to be strong, and has always been ignorant. the development youre mentioning are simply things that happened and mostly give no depth to his character. youre also lying to yourself if you thing that goku is a leader by any means when all he is is simply the strongest in the group and allows them to rely on him.

goku is simply strong. piccolo is weaker and has shown a plethora of sides to him both selfish and self sacrificing. actually of all the main characters, goku is by far the flattest when it comes to depth. i know that db holds a special place to most people that are into manga/anime from this generation but you gotta give it an honest look and stop riding on the laurels 
Just finished reading Tokyo Ghoul. It was average on the whole. The ending was very unsatisfying. Idk if the author just wanted to end things quickly or if he got a cancellation notice, but the ending was not good at all. Plot threads were left dangling or got quickly glossed over, characters didn't get closure, there was a plot twist in the end, but the motivations weren't explained, unless there's a sequel the ending was useless. The ghoul aspects were cool and well written, but the CCG was pretty boring, because we've seen organizations like them all the time. I was disappointed in how they handled the human characters who had close relationships with ghouls like Hide and Touka's friend. Rather than dive deeper into their relationship and interaction to show the fine line ghouls who want to integrate walk and how some humans can accept ghouls, they show 1 example then throw those characters away. Hide returns, but is overall a non factor in his return. Idk the way some characters were handled was poor. 

I decided to read it since the anime had started and people said the anime is missing key elements, but it's probably more enjoyable to watch cause it's easier to overlook weaknesses in a story when the animation is nice. 
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