The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU ep 3-

Pretty good ep this show is very consistant i'm enjoying it more then i thought i would but man i hate that writing guy :lol: .
There being no word about season two of sword art online is really annoying.

Its gonna happen just be patient. It wont be announced till after season 2 of Accel World is done though which i think is 70% done. I expect the announcement by the end of summer beginning of fall.
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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU ep 3
What does SNAFU mean?
I absolutely hate this trenchcoat character. :rolleyes :rolleyes The trap brought me back to Steins;Gate. :lol:

I'm really liking how unromantic comedy this show is currently. :pimp:

Hataraku Maou-Sama! ep 3
EXCELLENT EPISODE :pimp: Lots of funny moments. These characters are just so enjoyable to watch. Emilia is a facial expression machine. :lol:
This show is so :lol: . I love how aloof Maou and Alseil are. They called Emilia of all people to bail them out! :rofl: Alseil's definitely my favorite character, but they're all so hilarious so far. Emilia with the cockblock! Team Chiho :pimp: . DEVIL MAOU! :pimp: :wow: I was getting so tense thinking that Emilia would try fighting him. Glad that thought got shot down with the quickness. The one trying to destroy both of them I'm guessing is Maou's evil side and it got split from him when he went through the portal.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Its gonna happen be patient. It wont be announced till after season 2 of Accel World is done though which i think is 70% done. I expect the announcement by the end of summer beginning of fall.

Yeah I am feenin for new stuff. I am in the minority but I actually like some of the stuff that happens in ALO. This season may cover GGO as well, but I hope they expand on ALO a bit more. Currently I am in reading Vol 9 and some of the things that have happen up until this volume and through it are just awesome. More importantly I want to see the emotional pull of a story that has Absolute Sword Yuuki in it.

This is my drug for now, lol.
Date A Live ep 3
Decent show, not on Maou Sama and Oregairu's level though.
Tohka is adorable when discovering new things about the world. :lol: :lol: Shidou is a spirit too, I bet.

Railgun S ep 2
Did I mention last week that the fight in the OP is :wow: :pimp: .. because it is.
THAT KID IN THE BEGINNING IS GOING TO BECOME ACCELERATOR. I'm calling it! The Kuroko act never gets old for me. ONEE SAMA HAOSIFHOFSH DESU NOOOOO. :rofl: :pimp: I'm glad that the clone business is finally starting, we can get some awesome Railgun/Accelerator fights now. :pimp:
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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU ep 3
What does SNAFU mean?
I absolutely hate this trenchcoat character. :rolleyes :rolleyes The trap brought me back to Steins;Gate. :lol:

I'm really liking how unromantic comedy this show is currently. :pimp:

Hataraku Maou-Sama! ep 3
EXCELLENT EPISODE :pimp: Lots of funny moments. These characters are just so enjoyable to watch. Emilia is a facial expression machine. :lol:
This show is so :lol: . I love how aloof Maou and Alseil are. They called Emilia of all people to bail them out! :rofl: Alseil's definitely my favorite character, but they're all so hilarious so far. Emilia with the cockblock! Team Chiho :pimp: . DEVIL MAOU! :pimp: :wow: I was getting so tense thinking that Emilia would try fighting him. Glad that thought got shot down with the quickness. The one trying to destroy both of them I'm guessing is Maou's evil side and it got split from him when he went through the portal.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Agreed on all points!

My teen romantic comedy snafu-

Snafu means like a messed up state BTW.

Agreed i just hate that damn writer/trechcoat guy. So far i as well like how un-romantic it is. I am sure it will turn romantic right at the end though it is a romantic comedy so i expect it wether it be at seasons end or the shows end is beyond me though.


Man i really disliked chiho and i tell you it feels like i've done a complete 180. She's actually pretty enjoyable. Emilia was hating and set up that cock block defense though. :rofl:

Yeah I am feenin for new stuff. I am in the minority but I actually like some of the stuff that happens in ALO. This season may cover GGO as well, but I hope they expand on ALO a bit more. Currently I am in reading Vol 9 and some of the things that have happen up until this volume and through it are just awesome. More importantly I want to see the emotional pull of a story that has Absolute Sword Yuuki in it.

This is my drug for now, lol.

I'm almost certain it will just start off in GGO sadly. I myself am pretty damn excited too SAO was one of my more favorite shows.
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Anyone know where this is from? I want to watch it.


EDIT: jk it's from Bleach :rofl:
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Oreimo ep. 3 was such a feel good episode. :smile:


When i seen this





Kanata Kurusu is the creator of Maschera, Kuroneko's favourite show, and the character that she always cosplays as comes from it. The irony is that Kuroneko doesn't realise she's talking to the animes creator

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Natsu is going to get the Dragon equivalent of the 9 tails mode.

Yup Natsu, Ganjeel, and Windy's power-up is going to be something serious. Some Dragon Slayer Super Saiyan Banki steez :smokin
Btoom! 55 was meh, :rolleyes
Yeah, bit I do get the feeling that something big is gonna happen soon.


When i seen this





Kanata Kurusu is the creator of Maschera, Kuroneko's favourite show, and the character that she always cosplays as comes from it. The irony is that Kuroneko doesn't realise she's talking to the animes creator

I knew that author resembled somebody, but I couldn't put my finger on it. maybe they are related. :lol:
And I'm sure Kuroneko would have lost it if she knew that Kanata was the mangaka. :lol:

While I'm here, I just finished episode 3 of Aku no Hana and man...
I never thought I would like rotoscoping but I dont think you can get the realism in that reverse rape/ sexual assault scene with regular animation. It caught me off guard.
I picked up the manga now because of this episode. :lol:
It's pretty good.
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Yeah, bit I do get the feeling that something big is gonna happen soon.
I knew that author resembled somebody, but I couldn't put my finger on it. maybe they are related. :lol:
And I'm sure Kuroneko would have lost it if she knew that Kanata was the mangaka. :lol:

While I'm here, I just finished episode 3 of Aku no Hana and man...
I never thought I would like rotoscoping but I dont think you can get the realism in that reverse rape/ sexual assault scene with regular animation. It caught me off guard.
I picked up the manga now because of this episode. :lol:
It's pretty good.

They are indeed sisters. Her name is Kanako Kurusu they're almost absolute opposites lol! I hope at some point Kuroneko finds out i'm sure hilarity will ensue!
Aku No Hana ep 3
I LOVE this ED song.
This voice actor has the worst scream in all of voice acting. :x It's so comedic sounding and I'm pretty sure that's not intentional.
Finally, Kasuga grew some balls for once. Nakamura probably won't express gratitude for him though, she's weird like that. It'll just get worse. It's getting really interesting though.




This lady got a goddamn mustache. Come one Aku No Hana, come on.

HenNeko ep 2
What a weird way to segue into Tsukiko's back story. "Wow, that guy sure was scary, oh also my family is dead and I have no brothers." All of this backstory coming out is getting me interested in the show.

Oreimo ep 3
I'm pretty sure Kanata is the author of both Maschera AND Merumeru, but under her different identities that she displayed when she was introducing herself. Makes sense because the dude from Maschera is modeled after the guy from her circle. And her little sister can cosplay Merumeru so closely, and new some of the words to the theme song already. Makes me believe Kanata modeled Meru after her.

This reaction was hilarious.

Kirino being the only one excited to cosplay. :lol:
YO what IS up with that... i just started watching this anime... it's creepy as frack man... and the dude is straight up a dumbass...... :smh:
is that hs chick a girl or guy? :x
YO what IS up with that... i just started watching this anime... it's creepy as frack man... and the dude is straight up a dumbass...... :smh:
is that hs chick a girl or guy? :x
It's hard to tell sometimes :lol: :lol: It's like when they were animating, they didn't double check a single thing. This shows on a slow buildup, but I'm sure it'll get insanely good soon.

Shingeki no Kyojin ep 3
That ending got me SUPER hyped for what's to come. :pimp: :pimp:


Potato girl is :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I really hope she doesn't die. She's a good source of lightheartedness in a pretty dark story. Instant favorite character. "you seriously don't know why humans eat potatoes?" :lol: :lol:

Dude can maneuver the cable things even with defective equiptment. That injection has to be a Super Soldier serum. This music was dope.

Am I watching the most shows this season? :lol:
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It's hard to tell sometimes :lol: :lol: It's like when they were animating, they didn't double check a single thing. This shows on a slow buildup, but I'm sure it'll get insanely good soon.

Am I watching the most shows this season? :lol:
I think the lady boys and the mustache girls are put in the show for the lulz and they are working. :lol:

As for more shows, I don't know. I think I'm watching most of whats out this season. :lol:

That reminds me, anyone watching Azazel-san Z? it's so full of lulz, especially the most recent one. :lol:
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