The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

^ what part?

All I was sayign with edo tensei is when Oro attacked the village in part 1 with the two hokage, we were given a set of rules regarding edo tensei.

Every single time we've seen the technique since, we've learned that those weren't rules at all.  But what people thought were rules.

For example, "edo tensei is unstoppable and can only be sealed away" -- clearly we've seen that isn't the case.  We had edo tenseis disappearing all over the place after talking to their homies this war.

"Edo tenseis must be controlled by their creators or they'll overcome the jutsu" -- Kabuto showed us that wasn't the case and that his edo was "perfect."

Then a few chapters later, Itachi showed us that was a joke and used a genjutsu to release himself.

Then Madara just willed it away and now is permanently bound to the world (doesn't make any sense considering the rules we were given originally.)

My point is it's possible that edo can be manipulated and performed in ways we just don't know because the rules keep changing as the characters get nicer with the techniques.

It's not plot no jutsu.  Just skill levels and knowledge increasing.

People complaining keep doing so based on what we USED to know.


That is my whole point. He changes rules out of thin air. Naruto can all of a sudden share chakra with other people. Is that Jutsu? Did he do a hand seal technique thing or did he just think of it in his head and it manifested?

Instead of making naruto more poweful with some cool and LOGICAL upgrades this dude is going the NAKAMA POWER route.

That is also why I said that Orochimaru and his Edo tensei are deus ex machina. Anytime he pulls something out of his *** he is gonna say it is some secret technique that orochimaru has been researching for 30 years or something.

After I marathoned Hunter x Hunter manga last week, it makes naruto look like scientology.
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Sausuke might some how give oro his sealed self back I can see him gaining itachis susanoo weapons as a power up from kishi I mean after everything we seen it isn't much of a reach
Oro goes into full power shows us what's really gully with Edo and dragon sage mode and summons itachi to get his powers back
Maybe 2nd hokage breaks free and we see what's really gully with him since he's so unknown what if oro gets clapped up and the 2nd summons the first third and fourth himself somehow

All the Og kages fighting together :x as much as I love madara this is gonna be beautiful :pimp:

(Madara > all dem kages still)

Da possibilities...
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The shrine was never mentioned because Uzushiogakure was destroyed and the people of the Uzumaki clan that did survive scattered to the corners of the earth.
Before knowing the full story of Naruto's last name and the clan no one cared about them. So why would anyone care about the shrine hence it being abandoned and on the outskirts of Konoha. Either way the only Naurto is the only living Uzumaki that we know of. He knows nothing of the clan and what they were really capable. Maybe the two elders that were on Team Tobirama ? :nerd: (they are the oldest people in the village with gov insight if you will)
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The shrine was never mentioned because Uzushiogakure was destroyed and the people of the Uzumaki clan that did survive scattered to the corners of the earth.
Before knowing the full story of Naruto's last name and the clan no one cared about them. So why would anyone care about the shrine hence it being abandoned and on the outskirts of Konoha. Either way the only Naurto is the only living Uzumaki that we know of. He knows nothing of the clan and what they were really capable. Maybe the two elders that were on Team Tobirama ? :nerd: (they are the oldest people in the village with gov insight if you will)

I believe Karin is from The Uzumaki clan too
Sausuke might some how give oro his sealed self back I can see him gaining itachis susanoo weapons as a power up from kishi I mean after everything we seen it isn't much of a reach

(Madara > all dem kages still)

Da possibilities...

How is that possible??? Itachi took away the CS and all of orouchi out of sasuke, that was the whole side point of their fight.

I'm still confused as to how anyone thinks this is plot no jutsu,
myself and a few others seem to understand how and what's going on.

We always knew Orouchi knew edo tensei right.......
It's not farfetched to think he would have learned or found out about the sacrifice jutsu (i'm in a rush can't think of the name or look it up)
When HASN'T orouchi just simpley amazed us. since. the beginning of naruto, Switching bodies. on the vampire tip....experiments...summoning hokages...knowing hundreds of jutsus..... fighting 4 tail naruto while sick and not having his original arm jutsus..........still pressuring sasuke to use CS2 while in bed coughing blood........coming out of sasuke CS and doing a hydra white snake Shaman King summoning thing.......
Mind fu**ing kabuto and slowly dropping his orouchi semen in him since he was a kid
coming out of kabutomaru again... and still switching boddies.

^ in theoryyyy but honestly i don't know how chakra or any of this stuff works now with edo.

didnt they make a huge deal about those twins having the 9 tails chakra (essentially an unlimited supply), but i was sitting here like "don't all the edos have unlimited chakra...?"
And we still don't know what Tsunade has/had up her sleeve.  She's been MIA for 5-6 months now.  Maybe she thought it wasn't necessary at the time and now realizes she needs to resort to some extreme ish.

She was fighting Madara with the other Kages. I remember her being badly hurt....near death maybe?
She was split in half, I'd call that near death.
I believe Madara referred to her status as....."not good".
Sausuke might some how give oro his sealed self back I can see him gaining itachis susanoo weapons as a power up from kishi I mean after everything we seen it isn't much of a reach

(Madara > all dem kages still)

Da possibilities...

How is that possible??? Itachi took away the CS and all of orouchi out of sasuke, that was the whole side point of their fight.

aight i forgot about that but oro COULD summon itachi maybe he can do something there :nerd:
Sausuke might some how give oro his sealed self back I can see him gaining itachis susanoo weapons as a power up from kishi I mean after everything we seen it isn't much of a reach

(Madara > all dem kages still)

Da possibilities...

How is that possible??? Itachi took away the CS and all of orouchi out of sasuke, that was the whole side point of their fight.

aight i forgot about that but oro COULD summon itachi maybe he can do something there :nerd:

I was originally gonna say that Itachi couldn't be brought back but without the writer giving us an explanation, it's hard to say.
Sausuke might some how give oro his sealed self back I can see him gaining itachis susanoo weapons as a power up from kishi I mean after everything we seen it isn't much of a reach

(Madara > all dem kages still)

Da possibilities...

How is that possible??? Itachi took away the CS and all of orouchi out of sasuke, that was the whole side point of their fight.

aight i forgot about that but oro COULD summon itachi maybe he can do something there :nerd:

I was originally gonna say that Itachi couldn't be brought back but without the writer giving us an explanation, it's hard to say.

im just tryna see my guy come back shoot.. :pimp:
chuunin exam was the best animation in my opinion..the n again I never watched pass the pain arc
Bruh.... I have no words. That last page just blew my mind...


How did he revive Minato though?
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