The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Oro is a beast. :smokin

But you know at least one of the Hokages know the same jutsu that Madara knew to get out of the edo tensi.

They better not kill Unohana after all of that character development to make her bad *** #2 of the serious.
:wow: man oro is that dude!

did Madara ever know that? Since he knew about breaking himself away from Kabuto's edo tensi? :nerd:
i didn't think naruto could get any more real :wow: :smh: that dude oro is a beast. dude just shut down the manga itself.

bleach is interesting...still has a habit of being too short. but zaraki is the strongest? well damn. so his eye patch didn't make a difference, dude still needed to be jailbroken.

one piece :pimp:
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What if...Oro...Is...Actually a...............Good guy? :nerd:
Is he gonna turn out to be the revolver ocelot of the naruto universe? :lol:
I hate you all. I couldnt hold back and had to read on my phone.. lol but thank you....
u saw how OD madara was. I can only imagine whats about to go down
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Does anyone not have a problem how these evens came about though?

Oro getting someone's memories just by touching him. That was a suddenly made up power.
Putting a mask on to become the shiki fujin spirit.

I thought those Hokage's were gonna be "forever trapped" inside the shiki fujin fighting each other.

Zombie 1st and 2nd Hokage could not take down the 3rd Hokage and now will probably BEAST against Madara.

Orochimaru and his edo tensei is turning into a deus ex machina.
unohana will most likely die....but not before we see that bankai.

oro...again? finally resurrected the one he couldn't before...I think their gonna have a schpeil with sasuke and plant some seeds of truth in his mind.

Are you implying the 3rd body from his fight with the 3rd? I don't think it was the 4th. Unless I missed something that really implied that. The is gonna be a wild fight, so stoked.

Oro is a beast. :smokin

But you know at least one of the Hokages know the same jutsu that Madara knew to get out of the edo tensi.

They better not kill Unohana after all of that character development to make her bad *** #2 of the serious.

Madara is gonna be mad as hell :lol: but yea I wouldn't be surprised.

Bleach is stupid like that. Neither one should die. I really want to see Urahara go ham

Oro related question...
now that he's got his arms back, how's he gonna get the rest of himself out of itachi's Susanoo? Or is he?

Got me thinking as well

Plot hole that might get looked over :lol: but I don't think he can. Who is gonna summon it?
Does anyone not have a problem how these evens came about though?

Oro getting someone's memories just by touching him. That was a suddenly made up power.
Putting a mask on to become the shiki fujin spirit.

I thought those Hokage's were gonna be "forever trapped" inside the shiki fujin fighting each other.

Zombie 1st and 2nd Hokage could not take down the 3rd Hokage and now will probably BEAST against Madara.

Orochimaru and his edo tensei is turning into a deus ex machina.

So much plot no jutsu. It's sad.
So much plot no jutsu. It's sad.
well not exactly. it was explained how basically since he got kabuto he was making himself apart of him ...and once he died kabuto did the rest.

not as bad as bleachs plan to kill off a strong character by her teammate
Oro is a beast.

But you know at least one of the Hokages know the same jutsu that Madara knew to get out of the edo tensi.
They better not kill Unohana after all of that character development to make her bad *** #2 of the serious.
Well Tobirama created Edo Tensei, so I assume he'll be the one to break it,
well not exactly. it was explained how basically since he got kabuto he was making himself apart of him ...and once he died kabuto did the rest.

not as bad as bleachs plan to kill off a strong character by her teammate

Bro. It's plot no jutsu at it's finest. I think this is the first mention of any type of mask. If it's known that you could bring back the dead, how come they didn't bring the first back ASAP?
one piece :pimp:

So, was that raft they showed earlier the one with them on it, or is it a different raft? :nerd:
Does anyone not have a problem how these evens came about though?

Zombie 1st and 2nd Hokage could not take down the 3rd Hokage and now will probably BEAST against Madara.

Orochimaru and his edo tensei is turning into a deus ex machina.
In their defense, they had that talisman in their heads that made them into mindless drones that were only defending Oro. Now, they should be able to use their full range of abilities since they have new "bodies", unless oro uses the same talisman as last time. I think he might opt to use Kabuto's upgraded talisman instead, if any at all.

Side note: any argument about which of the 4 Hokage is the strongest that uses this scenario/ any future events related to this should be rendered invalid due to the fact that they all have unlimited chakra and immortal bodies now. It's not going to be an accurate representation of their skills. :lol:

Side note #2: Did everyone forget about Yamato? Is he still in that tree? :lol:
What about Anko? is she still lying half dead somewhere? :lol:
one piece :pimp:

So, was that raft they showed earlier the one with them on it, or is it a different raft? :nerd:
Does anyone not have a problem how these evens came about though?

Zombie 1st and 2nd Hokage could not take down the 3rd Hokage and now will probably BEAST against Madara.

Orochimaru and his edo tensei is turning into a deus ex machina.
In their defense, they had that talisman in their heads that made them into mindless drones that were only defending Oro. Now, they should be able to use their full range of abilities since they have new "bodies", unless oro uses the same talisman as last time. I think he might opt to use Kabuto's upgraded talisman instead, if any at all.

Side note: any argument about which of the 4 Hokage is the strongest that uses this scenario/ any future events related to this should be rendered invalid due to the fact that they all have unlimited chakra and immortal bodies now. It's not going to be an accurate representation of their skills. :lol:

Side note #2: Did everyone forget about Yamato? Is he still in that tree? :lol:
What about Anko? is she still lying half dead somewhere? :lol:

Totally forgot about Yamato. I would guess he's still in the tree as that's the last time we saw him. And is this the first mention of the Uzumaki Shrine/Temple with the masks? Ain't sure but this is the first time I've read about it.
It is^. Also Please stop saying they were only defending oro. They were clearly doing moves of their own and attacking. Either way we all know they're gonna busy out some moves we've never seen of and then Sasuke will kill them all.
Bro. It's plot no jutsu at it's finest. I think this is the first mention of any type of mask. If it's known that you could bring back the dead, how come they didn't bring the first back ASAP?

that shrine was hidden in Konoha and more than likely after madar a sas there. so how would madara had even known about that in the first place
2. how many ninjas d o forbidden jutsus,???? and who out of konoha that will or can do that particular jutsu, would have reason to bring back them back. on top of orouchi being able to slither himself out of bodies this new jutsu need the person wearing the mask to act as a hosf and sacrifice himself. honestly from the ninjas we know only orouchi and kabuto couldve even pulled this off. (with maybe a 1 or 2 others)
that shrine was hidden in Konoha and more than likely after madar a sas there. so how would madara had even known about that in the first place
2. how many ninjas d o forbidden jutsus,???? and who out of konoha that will or can do that particular jutsu, would have reason to bring back them back. on top of orouchi being able to slither himself out of bodies this new jutsu need the person wearing the mask to act as a hosf and sacrifice himself. honestly from the ninjas we know only orouchi and kabuto couldve even pulled this off. (with maybe a 1 or 2 others)

1). The shrine wasn't even in the village. I'm still puzzled as to why you even brought Madara up.
2). Forbidden jutsus have been around for the longest. Hell, the main characters go to jutsu is a forbidden one. So let's drop that right now. You might have misunderstood me. The have scrolls everywhere telling of forbidden techs. Otherwise how did sigetsu(sp) stumble upon the scroll?!? All I'm saying is if you pull out all the cards in brining all the villages together despite their differnces to fight possibly the strongest ninja in the ninjaverse, I'm sure someone is willing to die to bring back the only
Ninja who could defeat him, wouldn't ya think? Maybe neji or Shikamarus dad would have taken the L of a lifetime to save the whole planet.
^ It's also totally possible that only the first 4 Kages knew the jutsu if at all, or that Orochi took the info with him as he discovered it.

It's clear no one but the 3rd knew Edo Tensei when he busted it out.

And we still don't know what Tsunade has/had up her sleeve.  She's been MIA for 5-6 months now.  Maybe she thought it wasn't necessary at the time and now realizes she needs to resort to some extreme ish.

My point is, it is cheesy writing but not really plot no jutsu.  EVERY time we see orochimaru he busts out some technique no one but the Itachi/the kages/old *** ninjas knew existed.  In addition it's clear Madara had a handful of his own tricks, i.e. releasing himself from Edo Tensei.  Itachi had his own way of doing the same thing.  So maybe this was just something that Orochi figured out himself and the other characters haven't caught on to simply because he's the mad scientist and they're not.

I'm not excusing any of the sloppy writing, I'm just saying as a writer myself, I recognize 1,000 different ways this can be easily explained away and make perfect sense.

I mean sheeeeeit, the Uzumakis are sealing themselves away inside people like it's nothing.  You think they wouldn't have masks that aid in uffin around with seals?
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where orouchi and sasuke are, is in the village.
thats where the shrine is the village.

do you really think every and anyone can go around doing the death sealing jutsu????

and shikas dad or inos dad was going to magically find the scroll and then find the entrance to the shrine that needed to open by a particilar jutsu
find the right mask..and thenfind dead bodies to put the souls in........
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where orouchi and sasuke are, is in the village.
thats where the shrine is the village.

do you really think every and anyone can go around doing the death sealing jutsu????

and shikas dad or inos dad was going to magically find the scroll and then find the entrance to the shrine that needed to open by a particilar jutsu
find the right mask..and thenfind dead bodies to put the souls in........

It literally says on the very first page that the Uzumaki shrine is far from the village. Literally. As far as shikamaru and inos pops is concerned I was making light of how crappy of a death they had. I'm sure they would have loved to go out dying for the village being the sacrifice to bring back the first, etc. The death god jutsu is a last resort type of
Jutsu that should only
Be used in like a level 5 crisis, ie the 9 tails go ham or 3 immortal kage level nins(two of which with unlimited chakra) going wild. You lost me when talking about edo tensei nako.
^ what part?

All I was sayign with edo tensei is when Oro attacked the village in part 1 with the two hokage, we were given a set of rules regarding edo tensei.

Every single time we've seen the technique since, we've learned that those weren't rules at all.  But what people thought were rules.

For example, "edo tensei is unstoppable and can only be sealed away" -- clearly we've seen that isn't the case.  We had edo tenseis disappearing all over the place after talking to their homies this war.

"Edo tenseis must be controlled by their creators or they'll overcome the jutsu" -- Kabuto showed us that wasn't the case and that his edo was "perfect."

Then a few chapters later, Itachi showed us that was a joke and used a genjutsu to release himself.

Then Madara just willed it away and now is permanently bound to the world (doesn't make any sense considering the rules we were given originally.)

My point is it's possible that edo can be manipulated and performed in ways we just don't know because the rules keep changing as the characters get nicer with the techniques.

It's not plot no jutsu.  Just skill levels and knowledge increasing.

People complaining keep doing so based on what we USED to know.
^ what part?

All I was sayign with edo tensei is when Oro attacked the village in part 1 with the two hokage, we were given a set of rules regarding edo tensei.

Every single time we've seen the technique since, we've learned that those weren't rules at all.  But what people thought were rules.

For example, "edo tensei is unstoppable and can only be sealed away" -- clearly we've seen that isn't the case.  We had edo tenseis disappearing all over the place after talking to their homies this war.

"Edo tenseis must be controlled by their creators or they'll overcome the jutsu" -- Kabuto showed us that wasn't the case and that his edo was "perfect."

Then a few chapters later, Itachi showed us that was a joke and used a genjutsu to release himself.

Then Madara just willed it away and now is permanently bound to the world (doesn't make any sense considering the rules we were given originally.)

My point is it's possible that edo can be manipulated and performed in ways we just don't know because the rules keep changing as the characters get nicer with the techniques.

It's not plot no jutsu.  Just skill levels and knowledge increasing.

People complaining keep doing so based on what we USED to know.

Nah, bro I wasn't talking about any of that. I thought you meant the 3rd was the only ninja who knew of edo tensei outside of oro.
naw i mistyped. i did meant to insinuate no one at that battle but the 3rd knew how to combat/dis-spell it in that situation though (the 2nd hokage doesn't count.)
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