ID’s just came in. Dont know if I should have went with a black swoosh. Anyone have pics with a black swoosh?

with black swoosh (& cool grey mudguard)

Curry’s are snug my TTS and they don’t breathe well due to the sock liner which has been mentioned a bunch. Don’t seem to be “breaking in” all that much after some hours on foot. None of this stopping me from wearing them.

For my pair, 1 week of break in isn't effective. Place a shoe tree or cheap IKEA version to stretch it out artificially. I put mine in for 2 weeks and it's much better now. Of course thin socks works well (and counters the breath-ability problem)

I wish I went .5 up on both green and red but they produced very few size 12.5 Nike wasn’t even selling them in 12.5

As above.
I saw a post Monday about it. But my snkrs never refreshed. Checked multiple times.
Didn't bother checking yesterday and realized biggest L of the year for me
anyone have info on where I can find dusty peach SC jewels, sz 10?

procrastinated when SNS had them @ $70, now i can't seem to find them at all.
For my pair, 1 week of break in isn't effective. Place a shoe tree or cheap IKEA version to stretch it out artificially. I put mine in for 2 weeks and it's much better now. Of course thin socks works well (and counters the breath-ability problem)
Need some of these shoe trees then. Amazon? There’s no ikea close to me.
My Curry's were tight at first like everyone else's, but with some wears and shoe trees the loosened up a bit and now fit great. The breath-ability is still a bit of an issue though
The og anniversary red restock tomorrow on nike eeurope.

hello, perso I don't have it in my feed for tomorrow, and nike just told me that it is not planned for tomorrow (see picture), can you make me a screenshot of your feed for tomorrow where she is? like that I can send them, thank you in advance it would be nice :wink: (as you know I want this shoes lol)

They disappear from the feed. Another nike mistake No surprise. Was the only one who saw them.
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Salut, perso je ne les vois pas

perso comme toi, rien à faire ça vient pas, et nike ne sait pas me renseigner il me dise qu'il n'y à pas de sortit prévu pour demain par deux fois ^^ lol

j'espere que d'ici demain ça arrivera... si y'a une manip ou autre pour la faire venir/apparaitre svp communiquez-la merci (je vais désinstaller/reinstaller l'appli pour voir si ça aide, et d'abord la mettre à jour)

désolé pour le français... sorry for the french
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perso comme toi, rien à faire ça vient pas, et nike ne sait pas me renseigner il me dise qu'il n'y à pas de sortit prévu pour demain par deux fois ^^ lol

j'espere que d'ici demain ça arrivera... si y'a une manip ou autre pour la faire venir/apparaitre svp communiquez-la merci (je vais désinstaller/reinstaller l'appli pour voir si ça aide, et d'abord la mettre à jour)

désolé pour le français... sorry for the french
Reste a l’affût mais n’espère pas trop, nike est coutumier de ce genre d’erreur, c’était déjà le cas la 97 undefeated et quelque autres paires.
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